
Ive said this before, but there are personal cell “towers” you can set up, they are small boxes that are used in places like conventions or hotels that are basically just giant specialized wifi boxes but transmit at a cellphone frequency. They could of easily found out how conventions or other large gatherings keep up

i know right, im a backer of yooka laylee AND mighty no. 9.. funny enough i wasnt sure how the shantae half genie hero game was gonna be but hacked it anyway and its the best of the bunch by far.

dont forget about tony hawk 5, the game only came with a few characters and a test level or something, the rest of the game was downloaded. I think the actual data on the disc was only a gig or so.

Honestly I dont think this will affect the controller much, if anything so long as its taken apart and wiped off it may actually improve things. Though im not sure if any components in vasaline go bad.

also, she cant do a kamehameha(the video), the androids have unlimited stamina and usually stick to palm energy blasts so its probably a case the cosplayer didnt watch the show much.

As a gaming console it doesnt work, but as a plug into your tv and fuck around for 30 minutes thing it works fine. Its like if the website had its own plug to tv console. AAA it is not, but the weird and bizaar free titles can be fun to browse.

I have an ouya, its actually not that bad of a little console. The controllers run on 2AA but i literally had it last over 2 years of off and on play before the batteries died. The ouya controllers battery use is less than a damn TV Remote. (and its bluetooth). its bonkers.

yeah, hell there are people still alive where back when they were young it was okay for a grown man to sleep with, and marry a 12-14 year old girl. this is a RECENT thing, i think people need to calm their shit a little when it comes to being all kneejerk about it. They cry whiteknight but this is more of a current

France just recently put the age of consent to age 11, like 2018 recently. Apparently they didnt even have one.

Now playing

is this the video that kotaku tried to claim copyright to because of the cutscene that every copy of the game will have that has this update? kotaku recently tried to claim content id on the weiss gaming channel for use of the cutscene matching (which of course it will).

It still has lewd fanservice, its just your not noticing it with all with what’s going on. That’s how trigger rolls.

far as i know yeah its a legit defense in the eyes of the law.

Ill bet a 10$ save slot that its only on mobile because they can pack it full of microtransactions and lootboxes without the media bitching at them.

honestly he should try asking amazon, hulu or netflix to pick it up, they are always thirsty for their own shows.

georgia huh, figured it was gonna be florida.

have you seen the entire series? do you even know what saitama is capable of?! trust me, he isnt called one punch man for no reason. he is basically a joke character, a shit-take on the genre. He trained so hard he accidentally become the strongest being in the universe and now everything bores him. Beings that can

He doesnt have to “aim”, one punch and he could make an entire titan expload into a paste of blood and sinew. Because he usually drags the battles on to see if the enemy can even hurt him because he is tired of being so absurdly strong and wants a challenge. And the titans would pose 0 threat.

I have to admit, i was confused as hell without a picture of the 14 year as to why that asshole acted that way to the kid. I clicked the pic to the other article and was like.. *facepalm* , also, pretty sure someone trying to steal shit wont be a kid casually knocking on your door. Thats one of the most kneejerk