
yeah i miss the magic of hand placed items, it was like an item hunt. once you found out where something was you could always find it. like that cool enchanted sword in balmora behind one of the soldiers closets.

I own morrowind on pc, but it just feels so... limiting. Playing morrowind laid back in a chair on a tv is how it was MEANT to be played. I can never stand to play the pc version for more than a handful of minutes yet i put easily over 1000 hours into the xbox version. Even with morrowind enhanced mods to make it look

Yeah, it NEEDED to exist when people were inventing things left and right and still need it for inventions but now its mostly used to just make money and not further society. You constantly hear of copyright trolls and while they cracked down on them it still is a broken system given the internet and how it changed

Here is one thats on my radar, Onirism, think Legend of Zelda, crossed with A hat in Time.

copyright abuse is hurting our society rather than helping it anymore it seems.... I guess its their right to do that, but all this forceful copyright hammer swinging isnt really doing anything productive.

They never learn... following the top dogs will always end in failure, just look at the xbox kinect chasing the nintendo wii crowd....

yeah, i played ff15 before all the updates on xbox one and all you get of luna is hearing about her over the radio, (that geostigma healing scene wasnt there im pretty sure) and about 2 minutes in chapter 10 before she dies (spoilers but not really but you only see like 2 minutes of her).

I bought it awhile ago, it was cheap, like 2$ i think, and totally worth it. the writing is corny, but the gameplay is decent and as an adult 5 minute fuck around thing like solitaire or something it works pretty well for that.

Obviously i wouldnt want that to happen, but I run a steam curator dedicated to censorship and been dealing with that the past two years so my skepticism meter for censorship is off the charts. But I always root for things to never get altered like that if possible. But im sure the quality will be less and in term,

10$ on the chun li figure getting slight censoring during manufacturing of the final product.

On one hand the eye slant thing while stupid and a bit racey is mostly whatever... but on the other hand he is a sponsored paid individual with most likely lots of advertisers backing him and his team who are also representing these advertisers...

Ill just wait until next year until its either A: Fixed B:Dead and Stagnated or C: Servers are shut down with an apology letter.

yeah, went and looked, also her nips are HUGE so that itself threw me off. Most the other designs are just fine though its just the cammy one that seems a bit too uncanny. (uncammy)

its clearly see through, but the nipples look like it has embroidered pasties on them underneath. but yeah it looks like it tried to be disneys(korean animated) version like Frozen but then went to realistic a little bit. I think the problem is if you look at any SECTION of her body it looks fine, like just the legs

yeah, i think the companies see the looming anti-microtransaction government movement and getting out while they can.

no, its haydee. A game on steam.

basically my reaction to all of this

well they must of changed it because most the skins were above the 10$ range of the vbuck packs so the next step up was 25$ pack in order to buy a 1200vbuck skin, and 1000 was the 10$ one. There was no 5$ starter thing. It was VERY sleazy, i know they now have a thing where you have to pay money to enter something

hmm but i want to play as the chicks, so that doesnt help me none. oh well, maybe when they get rid of that ridiculous paywall i’ll pick it up again. I see no reason for it other than to annoy people who are into cosmetics that cant play as a character they like unless they shell out money.