
Asked this in a few places so far, but does fortnite still force you to play as a random gender? when i last played it, it forced you to play as a random character out of the 6 or so and wouldnt let you pick unless you bought an outfit, that and the 7+ hour wait time queues really irked me. Why spend 25$ on a SINGLE

i paid 50$ for my 1080p monitor (it was a clearance sale on best buy) my mechanical keyboard was 24$ from amazon prime (jelly comb is the brand) and my mouse was 9$, a rainbow LED “gaming mouse” with nylon chord.

most of those phones these kids have cost more than a midrange gaming computer. I spent 400$ on my custom built pc from ebay and it came with 256gb SSD, 1050ti, gigabyte motherboard, 16gigs of DDR3 Gskill ram and an i5-2500(the bottleneck).

bayonetta doesnt show nips, and is not all THAT sexual actually, this game uncensored on steam at least has straight up insertion. im not against it, just saying that even censored (from what i seen its a giant red rose covering it up so i assume the switch one is that) its still pretty raunchy.

We still have red though Who catches everything, has everything (usually after ash leaves I guess) he is canon because he is in some official pokemon short animations and even in pokemon sun and moon. We can safely assume red has close to, or all of all 800+ pokemon so far.

my account actually isnt getting locked, I can log in just fine. Besides i took the necessary steps to secure everything. Ill be fine.

Me too, but then I go to my account and its not locked, these are SPOOFED emails. I assume they are redirecting you to log in with your credentials and then steal them. Im pretty sure these are fake. If you get emails like this, DONT CLICK ANYTHING! go to the WEBSITE first and look to see if everything is in order.

How the fuck do you get a game that barely runs at modern hardware to run on a damn phone?

I dont even know who any of those people are. I see that dude with mic so i guess he is a singer or something I have no idea.

thats a shame, takes all the fun out of it.

The only thing that sort of disappointed me about this is men arnt allowed to be shirtless. I’m not into dudes, but if woman can show healthy amounts of cleavage at least let the ladies (or other guys I dont care) get some abs viewing pleasure action going on. There are even fewer of them then titty streamers anywho.

I think thats where im at now, because i noticed i had a small health bar last time but i sorta stopped because my stress levels can only endure so much

I think im only 2 away from platinum, that damn pthumerian queen lady and the ending where I dont fight the old bastard and get beheaded.

As a level 162 on NG3 I probably won’t feel the effect of this much, but its still neat!

Heh, if you thought that was weird check this out

I spent way too long on this and I am not sorry.

Smash was nice, but Nintendo is sure getting pretty brave with its own IP’s.

anything is better than 13, hell mystic quest probably has a better story than 13. the only good thing to come out of 13 was a rule 63 ff7 cloud (lightning) fang who has an australian accent and is awesome but gets like no proper role to herself.