
FYI here in kansas doing what he did may land you in jail for several months... some states come down HARD on marijuana. Then again it seems like half this damn town does it behind everyones back anyway so its not like the PEOPLE are clean, but the state (if caught) is not kind about it as others.

This is all i can think of, because she was never trapped in a ghost realm in BotW, she was trapped at hyrule castle with ganon (hence why the theme of hyrule castle is a mix of ganon and zelda’s theme)

yeah, Call of duty WWII from what i seen has lootboxes able to be seen by other players to try and get kids and those with a weak hold on their wallets to see how much fun other people are having and spend money on it too.

Cautious about WHAT exactly? just dont put the fucking boxes in... why is that so hard.... oh I know why, investors... stupid greedy as fuck investors. Its pretty sad when the old (pre lootbox) Call of Duty games are a shining example of how you do stuff like this right. Modern Warfare 2 had a pretty fair progression

you also have to have 7 full bars of energy WHILE landing a combo to trigger it. if nobody has 7 bars it doesnt matter if all 7 dragonballs are in play it wont trigger until someone does it with 7 energy bars.

What i did, is change my real name on my live profile to Marusame as my first name and . as my last, so its Marusame . on my profile as my real name... I dont give a fuck anymore also my real name shows up on my dashboard so if your streaming people are going to see it as it keeps showing up and you CANT remove it...

I always shipped her with anna (yes i know its a sister thing but honestly they look so different it kinda works), and hell, I remember some news articles back when the movie came out saying parents were pissed Frozen was a lesbian thing. (seriously, even way back then at the movies launch)

Heh, while this article says it doesnt change much, steam reviewers are inclined to disagree...

So your not adding something because you feel people are too stupid to understand and dont know what it is, but YOU ARE the person that should be telling them and informing people of what it is...

If he liked SFV he would dominate it... Also, I think you are giving too much credit to SFV and Tekken. If anything those are far LESS technical than skullgirls and other games which he is a god at. He is a god damn prodigy and becomes the grandmaster top 1% of about any fighting game he decides to pick up.

im 10,000% sure its rouge. Her outfit is very iconic, and the pink heart chest piece, white gloves and feet and bat wings are also a dead giveaway.

id be fine with trump getting made fun of, but honestly EVERY one of our presidents has been used as a butt of a joke. Hell there is a movie where abraham lincoln fights zombies.

ah I see, it was to pad out the panels because there was nothing else to put in at the moment.

fair enough.

true, I love me some rouge... just wasnt sure if it had any context or not from like a previous one or not.

why is the nerfnow chick in a rouge outfit poledancing?

yeah thats how i had to do it, but right now as of this writing you cannot transfer video or pictures TO the ps4 in ANY way... its amazing that the xbox one, and ps4 are BOTH steps back in terms of functionality.

“but you can also upload your own images to your PS4 via USB or external hard drives. From here, you can also tell the system what color to make your submenus, for optimal coordination.”

Okay, you guys need to do an article telling people to PLEASE stop using bandicam... OBS is free and there is plenty of better free opensource screen capturing software that does NOT put watermarks on your shit. And if you have a recent GTX nvidia graphics card you already have amazing screencapture software built