
I actually liked MIRROR, its a cheap, lewd interesting puzzle game with some visual novel and lewd shit thrown in. It goes pretty well as an aside to huniepop.

Yes, if you can’t tell the difference then you are not playing in 60fps. To your eyes it will be like night and day, I even have to blink a few times when a game goes from 30 to locked 60fps to adjust my eyes.

yes steam is a drm, but many games on steam still HAVE drm, like.. the game re-loaded which is a playstation game port... it literally requires online activation (no joke) same with final fantasy 8 from square. In fact about every playstation era game on steam cannot be played offline to my knowledge.

DRM from the get go is basically saying that “we think you are a pirate” DIRECTLY to the face of your customers. If you have so little faith people are going to buy your product legitimately then dont bother selling it in the first place. Every single person who pirates wasnt going to spend the money in the first

A part of me was wishing it was going to be the female broly Caulifla.(least i think its her, another name i seen is kale) not sure which one it is but there ya go.

From what I heard, bayonetta isnt even all THAT great, at least not anyone who knows how to actually play. when you are playing at a 1:1 level of expertise as any high ranking player bayonetta is no stronger than any other character according to some players.

Yeah ive seen AMAZING games with less than 10 reviews, its just that there are too many and its nearly impossible to filter down at all, and with AAA companies weeding out all the money from microtransactions for the bottom line, nobody has anything left over to try out indie stuff anymore.

As a straight man I am okay with this. Now excuse me while I wipe this sweat off my head.

I am reminded of osana najimi from komi-san wa komyushou desu manga.

yep pretty much, I thought I was bad for liking pewdiepie, but honestly, pewdie in recent years has still been himself, but at some level grown up.

The amount of butthurt in the comments here is enough to make even Zero Two blush.

yeah, but at the end of the day the article saying super saiyan 4 isnt excusable, it would’ve been easier to just copy what the game says which is (SSB) or SSGSS even if you didnt know what they meant they are still clearly labeled. (apparently they finally edited it)

Insert some joke about a nude mod or something here.

I havnt seen the series, but apparently vegeta does something called ultra instinct.. not sure if its related to blue, or what he does IN blue... its all very weird and confusing.

true, and with rumors of the datamining and SSJ4 might ACTUALLY be a thing in the game as dlc, this just makes it even more confusing.

Its still technically possible, ive seen a pic of super saiyan blue 3, so blue hair but its the long haired type, and since dragonball GT was retconned out they are sort of RE doing the GT stuff albeit a bit slower.

Honestly thats all i was waiting for, was for the edit but it hasnt happened yet, maybe they are done for tonight. They have to correct it at some point right? My jab was meant to be just a timed jab, not meant to actually stay for a whole day because it should be a simple edit from super saiyan 4 to simply super

vegeta will become super sand

also very true.