(base)goku normal >super saiyan>super saiyan 2 (just more “electricy”)>super saiyan 3 (mile long hairdo, all GOLD)
(base)goku normal >super saiyan>super saiyan 2 (just more “electricy”)>super saiyan 3 (mile long hairdo, all GOLD)
And thats perfectly fine, you didnt write an entire article based on a fan game for an anime and somehow not know the source material. When that happens, I feel that its more for the clicks and not for any love or passion.
Super saiyan blue isnt SSJ4 though, its still technically just SSJ1, because you dont go from 3 to SSB, goku and vegita actually start the process back at square one, so its black hair THEN super saiyan god(red instead of black hair) then super saiyan god super saiyan. (blue instead of gold hair).
yeah the dlc is shitty, but at least it doesnt have lootboxes. Ill take overpriced DLC over lootboxes anyday. I also own pubg, the most expensive item is like 2000$ for a crate which i dont even know what it does. That better come with a real life fully paid plane flight to disney world and a blowjob for that amount…
honestly theres like, 20 some characters in fighter z, and a 15 some odd hour story mode, lobbies, arcade mode, different battle modes like the ring system, tournaments and unlockable colors that is only acquired through ingame currency.
well DBZ FighterZ gets a pass for the actual difficulty of designing the characters and the teeny teeny team. Seriously I think less than 100 people made DBFighterZ or close to it. Arksys also isnt a giant corperation and how DB Fighter Z turned out on the money that it probably had is quite the accomplishment. The…
So I wasnt crazy, during the beta I only got the prologue and it stopped.. figured it was either a bug or just wasnt in the beta... thats... very shitty.
Well shes a majin, or whatever race buu and kid buu is, they turn things into candy(or snacks) and eat it, its part of what their race does but since android 21 is sort of taken from cells of them and many others its not natural so her hunger overtakes her.
Yeah they did the same with gohan. Whats funny is dragonball fighterz pokes fun at gohan around every turn with even cell going so far as to say your a shell of your former self and NOTHING like you were when you faced me.
I do like how they call him mr satan, and even say hell and all that. DB FighterZ is fully uncensored and references only the uncensored version of DBZ. So they say hell, they say mr satan and all of that instead of hercule. I do love that.
but she used to be a mother(her body was THEN used to be the android which as her android form is yes less than 10 I guess) , so the body is like 40 when you add the age up.. also, WHY ARE PEOPLE so concerned with the age of magical (created) beings? People get hung up on Dizzy being 3 years old. Does it REALLY…
still a bit scummy, for 20$ extra and calling itself “game of the year” it should at least include one legendary for EVERY character and a bunch of extra skins and perhaps a new UI and extra modes or features.
Well I live in kansas in a small town where people think wearing camo and jeans is fashionable... So I just dont see anyone wear that type of stuff but my coworker who does like fashion and wears stuff like that says its pretty popular lately. THAT and the pants with the holes in the sides going down (like diamond…
ah, yeah someone said they are probably attached. I guess that gives you the best of both worlds and not having to mess with armwraps that could get lost.
I should also say that my secondlife avatar wears something “semi similar” which is why I really liked her outfit as well. (also my avatars outfit is referred to as a “party dress” so yes its a little more provocative than normal stuff). Wouldnt be surprised if people replied and said my avatar was too misogynist but…
oh the ones that show the shoulders that are still attached?, even still I like the sharp angles. And im a sucker for anyone wearing a choker ( I feel they are very underused).
no, but apparently they made over a dozen promises that they specifically were NOT “EVER” going to put microtransactions in the game. and then did.
But im not, im just saying I liked her outfit. I mean obviously time and work went into that outfit, its all color matched and coordinated with different parts. Its a bit different than going “omg show me ur boobs”.