
Honestly its not that different from overwatches “game of the year” edition that literally includes 10 lootboxes and nothing else. (its also like 20$ more)

Thats a confusing reply. I dont have a podcast but i used to listen to them a bunch back in the day when i had super long commutes.

I really like that outfit that the Khajiit girl is wearing. I love how chokers look (I have a female co worker that sometimes wears em, she shown me a couple of selfies she takes in different outfits). And I also think the armwraps are VERY underrated and should be used more often, and she is doing both <3

I think they dont do that because there would be too many hardons in the theatre. But yes, captain marvel is supposed to be ultra strong and basically just a powerhouse of female muscle.(at least thats all I really know of her)

so i was right? It came out on the pico-8 as a small project, apparently its also an easter egg you can PLAY within the game.

Am I confused for thinking this first came out on the Pico-8 as a small project?

yeah it took me a few hours of trying to “adapt to its crapfactor” and as some explained below there is a LOT of special things you need to do, and more importantly places you NEED TO BE, watch some online videos of people beating it and after that its actually a breeze mostly.

Now playing

Then explain why this video has 2.2 million views

Whenever I see those headlines im always wondering if it wasnt planted. The reason I think that is because of stories one of my Vatterott instructors would tell. He worked some office, very smart people, all multi degrees, certs, all that.

I actually dont really expect the infant thing, but if it was then i could understand the reaction then.

Rise of the tomb raider had timed exclusivity on xbox one... another weird fact.

I wasnt talking about the porn part, Im curious as to exactly what was portrayed, was it like terrible conditions in a back alley or some shit? Or are we talking like in a million dollar yacht with people and wine glasses. (think TAKEN movie, but less james bond).

What a sausage-fest.... Gimme the horizon zero dawn chick, gimme ellie from last of us, hell, i would take the cool girl from BOUND.

Vomited? i’ve seen pictures of naked decapitated children that was lined up in a row, videos of beheadings, executions and so on, what could be so bad that it would make a person up and vomit?

A japanese game port that is unoptimized, memory leaks, looks like it could run on an original xbox by being laggy even on a TITAN gpu? yeah sounds about right.

+1 to me not wishing the human race thrown into the sun, for about 5 minutes until we get a news story from florida.

Inb4 mini cardboard waifu porn

Its really just sakura is thirsty as fuck, she probably has been too busy training to be like ryu, and working jobs to have a boyfriend and the only way she knows how to communicate is through fighting so in a weird way it makes sense why the only person she can see having a baby with is ryu.

Yeah the bloodborne one was AMAZING, that guy was gold.

I imagine once the PC version comes out im sure there will be mods that actually fix a bunch of my gripes.