
I cant imagine it will be anywhere near as large as the secret dungeon, and every single other dungeon in the game is literally about the same size as the insomnia map to begin with. I would rather them make the entire map playable in the nighttime state, get goofy with it, take out NPC’s make high levels monster roam

Yeah i know, i have over 100 hours into the game and over lvl 101. (every dungeon beat, including the secret one and now doing the extra hard dungeons) Its just the last chapter feels like a slap in the face especially when you “wake up” and get a glimpse of the world filled with monsters only to find its just a

soooooo.... if you already own ALL the dlc, all you really get is the ability to control the boat, and a few extra bosses and more of that stupid endgame city.

I heard really good things about wonderful 101, i think i played the demo of it. Tara Strong plays the pink chick i think.

Well yeah, its one of the 3 best character action games ever made, with 1 being bayonetta 1, and the other being Nier Automata. Bayonetta 1 and 2 actually have really good stories and isnt just fanservice like many think it is. It has it in it of course but there IS actually a good story there.

I did do that and saved myself a lot of money, sure i may miss some stuff but honestly i dont want to pay more than 10-15$ at most for the complete all 3 seasons+ and dlc package of SFV

30$ DLC isn’t exactly free, I hear you can earn them in game, but i would imagine that is 100's of hours per character of grinding. Though coming with first 2 seasons of characters is neat, Ill still wait until its finished and then goes on sale for a cheap price and everything is on disc.

So the update is adding issues?

I thought you was being overly pessimistic but no... thats literal. 20 characters on disc, 20 characters as DLC... Thats legit half the cast as DLC, there is no exaggeration here...

half a million dollar bond... he aint getting out easy.

yeah that sounds like its trying too hard when things do that. Reminds me of Kriss X Sis, always annoyed me how that guy literally had permission from both parents to have sex with his step sisters but chose to try to pursue something with a teacher instead.

Looks at the left part of the header image... OOOH that looks interesting. That robot looks cute, and... oddly familiar. I tried finding what anime this was in the list but couldnt but then i seen the kids pilot giant mecha description and searched the name and seen that this is the anime.

that is my commentary on the above article, i even mentioned it by saying that if perma bans like this (of the article) can be lifted why cant steam vac bans that were issued erroneously?


I seen a snippet of gameplay, it does look like it has a proper overworld but it looks VERY bland, and looked textureless so its probably VERY early.

im skeptical at that map, it looks like they are just bolting a few of the maps together... im not even sure if your able to go from one map to the other.

For sony stuff yea, but honestly I foresee Dark Souls 3 on ps4 losing its online before dark souls 1 on 360 does.

But you also have to take into the account that sony’s online method is to spin up a server for EVERY single game, which is why games like Street Fighter V had so many issues. Microsofts solution is more your connecting to its worldwide thing and THAT is what handles it through software and can probably just spin up

no, unless its on a private server ALL xbox 360 and xbox one games multiplayer will work, its a centralized server and works COMPLETELY different from how PSN works. I believe it just dynamically creates servers on the fly and matchmakes when it needs too.

Whats funny is I can put in every single launch Xbox 360 game online (yes, 360, the one that came out in 2005) and have it work flawlessly (unless it was an EA or Ubisoft thing that had private servers).