even still, i hope the people who made the call get life in prison, because it was their actions that led to the loss of a life itself.
even still, i hope the people who made the call get life in prison, because it was their actions that led to the loss of a life itself.
yep, so what would get you a naughty rating and a slap? tit grabbing? Hopefully the nice rating is just a simple accident boner because thats GOING to happen.
Oh cmon, the guy was “horrified” about sleeping with another beautiful woman that wasnt his girlfriend. Obviously he isnt cool with also sleeping with a trans chick.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ICE# (Incredibly Censored Edition) has to be one of the most censored titles ive ever seen. They censored shit that would’ve been allowed to be aired on sesame street.
thats fucking stupid... you cant play as a character you want because they feel counterpicking is too strong? Sounds to me they should take out the ability to switch characters at ALL for the entirety of the round like paladins... that should force people to.. oh idk actually get good with a character instead of…
Yep, its why I sold it, like only a month after I got it glad I didnt get it digitally. Overwatch has some of the most toxic multiplayer ive ever experienced and its because your expected to play everyone. Well they can eat a giant bag of dicks, I only played D.VA and If i didnt get her I’d be forced to play mercy or…
We already pay 99$ now for the base game at the very least. Most anymore its 60$ for the nothing edition, and 50$ for season pass (110$) and then DLC that ISNT included in the season pass on top of that, plus in game microtransactions that only show up IN GAME then you have stuff like lootcrates and boosters.
Is it? The title pic looks fine, i seen the other characters and I can see that but the title pic looks like they are also cockroaches.
Im saying I would of bought it already if it wasnt online only. For instance I have a game much like destiny but not as AAA, it was called MAG for ps3, its a toaster. If the game had an offline mode where you could do a decent amount of stuff I’d have no problem getting it. As soon as the servers shut down after they…
Ive seen the first destiny go for like 5$... so yeah ill wait for the second one to do the same and then also not buy it cause i honestly dont care about online microtransaction focused grind fests.
idk man, games like alpha 3 were playable on the GBA, other than 3rd strike all of these are on snes pretty much. The entire actual romsize of this colletion probably isnt bigger than 700 megabytes with 3rd strike being the biggest chunk.
they sort of do, they paid for it nobody else did. go yell at companies for it being exclusive. nintendo was the ones that paid for bayonetta 2.
That was probably just iD wanting to show off their technical wizardry and prove they still got it. Carmack was able to get Doom 3 running on the original xbox... which had a blistering 64 megs of ram. Yes, doom 3 running in 64 megs of ram (and 64 on the card but its probably shared so idk)
Looks at title...
Exactly, I just recently played the game again on the HD Remix version on PC... The scene was FINE. Yuna was talking about how she would fake smile and laugh to make her friends happy, THEN tidus interrupts her and goes to 11 and has her copy his fake laugh for how HE fake laughs, it was goofy enough to get her to…
Ive noticed that but never had confirmation. They should take their cues from Guilty Gear sign and rev1/2. They deliberately cut animation to make it feel more snappy. (people to this day think they are 2D, even though its all 3D in unreal engine)
lol what? they are a AAA developer and they are getting their ass handed to them from 24 hour game jams in terms of how to do arcade mode type of progression?