
What is it with 3d 2.5 scrollers with over animated characters? the walking animation looks... off. Like they are skating. They need to sharpen up the animations by cutting some frames off and making it look a smidge jerkier. At the very least not have so many frames go after you stop pressing a button.

I didnt see the extent of how 1 sided it can be in the beta for BF2, but I did play a lot of battlefront 1 in the past year and everyone with the jetpacks and all that preorder shit STILL have an advantage...

“we heard that you was hitting a cap in arcade mode and instead of actually removing the cap we moved the cap up a bit so we dont hear as many complaints”

ever hooked up your ps2 over component? it looks decently sharp then, not SUPER sharp but way better than composit.

I spent about 4 hours in the DLC and only found 1 match with 1 person, on xbox one its soooo slooowwww. It takes 2 and a half minutes to exit out and start the DLC back up again to log back in if you get logged out. I may try it again since those were the first several days it came out but still... it felt like a

I love me some paladins and spent more than i should, probably 70-80$ on it in total so far. The card system was already shitty where you were at a disadvantage until you got enough cards to make a decent loadout that didnt suck.

Thats my golden rule for new games... 6 months to a year. Thats the polish they leave out now. Those NES and SNES games with nintendo seal of quality... mean more than ever now especially when they used to make a game work on release as is.

Yeah, i put over 100 hours in it, Still, im bitching about every 5 minutes of stuff they could of and SHOULD of changed. It has overthought overly japanese stuck in the 19th century way of thinking lurking through its being.

This comment section right now.

Its funny, as i skim through this entire thing, all im seeing is “skins, skins, skins, microtransaction rewards, microtransaction rewards, a whole bunch of NONPOLOGIES, a “were sorry we screwed you, here is more loot to further screw you”, lootboxes are still in it, and maybe about a sentence or two about actual

Ill tell you why they cancelled it... “to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes.” yeah, it was going to be someone shilling the “new loot” that you would of got from these ingram things(i dont play destiny, played the beta 2 hours on 360 found out it was online only and stayed far away since).

Now playing

well, they actually might be able to sue the kid, AND according to a copyright attorney the mom should lawyer up.

well according to the recent controversy bungie has been altering the xp gain and making you earn less over a period of time to make the grind seem greater over time so you will be slowly nudged to buy the crates.

yeah that jackpot reel was VERY scary... Just last year I was in Reno NV and the slot machines and gambling machines.. were JUST like that. They arnt the mechanical ones anymore, they have nice pretty ladies like you would see in the thumbnails of free2play mobile games.

At the same time, saying “its just cosmetic” doesn’t change the fact they are blatantly trying to squeeze money out of you. Its like being bent over a barrel and instead of actually having a dick in your ass they are just dry humping you and people are going “cmon its not that bad its JUST DRY HUMPING”

Im both a brony and a furry and can tell you the fandoms get along mostly, but they are still very different. I dont know why most commenters here think most bronies are “on the spectrum” whatever that means anymore. Im pretty sure being socially awkward isnt a disease. Its just being... socially awkward.

Yeah, I did a video and paid the $1.50... Know what I got?!? a skin for car I dont have! GREAT! fucking wasted 1.50... even if I DID have the car, Its not the Esper car (which I PAID FOR!) so I have a skin for a car Ill never use.. (and dont currently own) awesome... fucking great. Literally lost 1.50 and got nothing

yeah, i see this box here and its showing me a lot of shiny stuff but i see a few decals. I assume i get 1 item from this box for 1.35$ which means i could potentially pay nearly a dollar and a half for something as shitty as a decal which btw in volume % would make decals worth more than the entire game 1000'sX over.

Thats weird.. so its an Opt Out? that isnt any better! In fact, thats somehow worse because they know its wrong.