I was playing some Rocket League, just bought it yesterday or so. And I KNEW it had microtransactions right? Fair enough with 5$ microsoft gift and on sale I got it for 5$(xbox one).. nice deal, bought a 1$ DLC car.. fair enough.
I was playing some Rocket League, just bought it yesterday or so. And I KNEW it had microtransactions right? Fair enough with 5$ microsoft gift and on sale I got it for 5$(xbox one).. nice deal, bought a 1$ DLC car.. fair enough.
Man if people get this pissy at just the mere MENTION of loli anime characters i’d hate to see what their response is to the rest of the internet. https://www.lewdgamer.com/
not really... since i was expecting stardew valley. unless there is topdown farming gameplay or putting down plots of land or something im missing from these screenshots.
Exactly, its still the villain here. The fact its gambling in an already full priced title should NEVER be thrown to the side.
Ive played everything up to sun and moon pretty much and even IM going WTF?! none of this is in sun and moon so all this lightspeed whatever it is, is ultra sun and moon only.
How is this related to stardew valley? im looking and reading and see nothing related. Stardew valley is a farming sim with dating aspects and its a top down 2d action RPG with sprites... this strive for power seems like a management sim with visual novel aspects.. the two are completely different... im very confused.
if you have a problem with loli then dont play japanese stuff? some of us dont mind loli at all, this is why every country hates us for being so SJW about things and getting everything censored even things that the people complaining would never even watch or play.
Exactly, pretty much every person who is VERY pro guns, is the people who DON’T need to own one. Its like they are always looking for an excuse to shoot someone, even themselves or their family. Im 30 years old, and in my lifetime ive only heard of less than 10 reports when someone who had a gun at the ready saved a…
Which is why I sold my copy, I only liked to play as Dva, and this meta game bullshit infuriated me. Who gives a fuck if they “counter” me? I “ASSUME” he was playing in a competitive mode which has a little more leeway into that, but if it was a casual mode they can go fuck off with that shit ill use what I damn well…
“refused to switch off a character, even when they were repeatedly dying.” This is why I sold my copy of overwatch, if i want to play as a god damn character I WILL, fuck you, and fuck the high horse you rode in on. Its why I switched to Paladins, because in that game you pick a character and your stuck with it the…
well on xbox one it doesnt work really at all so its not really “multiplayer” but you make an avatar and your are limited to being in towns only you take on missions that require no less than 2 loading screens that send you to a location to kills some monsters with Ai or if you very VERY lucky 1 extra real player out…
which makes flash sentry (always been human) kind of weird because he’s only dated girls who used to be horses, both sunset shimmer and princess twilight sparkle from ponyville. SciTwi (the human twilight) wants nothing to do with flash sentry so really flash has only been able to get horsegirls...
dont think they should remove the monsters but remove the mechanic of you being harmed by them. the atmosphere is spooky enough they really didnt need all the enemies on top of it to be honest.
Oh god please let this be considered gambling in belgium, this shit needs to be regulated hard. They already force odds to be displayed in china for anything gambling related (ie loot boxes) so thats how we found out about the “pity crates” in overwatch. I think after 12 or so they give you a pity legendary if you…
Oh, i didnt think it was that blatant, i seen her in a playthrough of story mode but didnt know she wasnt pickable.
Im not familiar with tekken 7, what was “hacked”? was it having items that do something that most wouldnt have or something?
The idea is, is that they are making the grind JUST annoying enough where ponying up that money$ feels worth it. You want to make the just painful enough where players will go (fuck it) and spend the 5$-100$ to shorten the experience. Thats the entire reason that lootboxes exist, is to prey on people.