If your goal is just numbers instead of making a good game, then you already lost.
If your goal is just numbers instead of making a good game, then you already lost.
If that jostles your jimmies (as it does mine) then wait until you hear about ICO’s. They are starting to make virtual currency into REAL virtual currency so people can invest into the currency market for each mobile game before said mobile game is even out.
while most are probably accurate so many play these games that im sure a good 25% of the bans are illegitimate. And whats more, they simply dont have to care if they ban someone falsely they already have your money.
its censored or obscured porn but its porn. Good luck chuck, not another teen movie, pretty much any HBO show on blu ray, any “unrated” movie. (which also ticks me off that walmart will sell unrated movies, but an unrated game is a huge nono.
I thought the endgame was what mattered? getting to the final level of an expansion is not the hard part, hell even in burning crusade it only really started when you hit level 70, then grinding for raid gear and tweaking your build and fine tuning it was the actual part. What your describing IS babies first mmo, the…
There is a difference between putting in work, and putting in time which i dont have. I only have about an hour or so to juggle between all my games. And to avoid making a super long post im just gonna say ive been a console gamer for 22 years, since i was 8. And my steam library is over 1100.
yeah looking on the website, 20$ gets you a lvl 100 character off the bat, i guess they know that asking someone to start at lvl 1 is kind of terrible, its like hey, you paid us money now you get to solo grind quests for 3000 hours while all the high level players are off doing fun things.
I remember it taking me about 20+ hours to get to level 27 mage, and that was WITH being in a party and doing small raids and stuff.
actually, i think many will see it as a lofty goal to beat, and since they know it can be done well already, its less of a shot in the dark.
I believe thats what MangaGamer has said the reason was, or at least thats what some sites were being TOLD from paypal... weird. Thats why many sites like that legit HAVE to use credit card, paypal told them no they wont support their site...
So what is the minimum payment now to even get INTO world of warcraft? i imagine 20$, plus 140$ (20$ per expansion) plus 15$ for the first month. so 175$ to get the full experience to start out with?
Yeah GTAV, Witcher, Rust, Conan Exiles, and all number of games can have full frontal show puss and dicks all over but a game like Huniepop has to censor itself. Though if you play as a male in huniepop i guess some of the pictures (yes thats all they are, pictures) will show semen on the genitals. Hell games like…
yes oh my god yes, this is such a good idea for a film or even short film. And it looks to be acted and carried out exactly as what I would want done for a film adaptation. Totally going to watch it.
exactly, EA can fuck itself with an iron spork.
The steam connect thing wont help my curator much http://steamcommunity.com/groups/cutcontentpolice#curation
not hard to believe, since destiny is like the sims of FPS games, people will just buy it now and days even if they arnt much a gamer. So its VERY likely thats all someone has on their pc.
those are never to be trusted. to get an accurate data point you need the same software used across many different games, that way the cpu load is the same for the counter vs the game.
I hate these companies that just say “Just trust us” when they provide no proof. Im sure many were justly banned but there are MANY cases in MANY games where something like an antivirus, overlay, hell even ram being funny has led to bans.Instead of this auto detect crap there NEEDS to be a correlation between what was…