
yeah patreons other market besides sex games is selling nude photoshoots. To be FAIR the money is also going (at least most the time) to the custom made outfits and kinky stuff, as well as entire photo studio sets which can be pricy to hire studios to do so.

Yeah I was about to say the same thing, they are free to do it sure, but they are also an asshole for doing so. This has been the only way these projects have been getting funding and with it being a big business its obvious there is a market. It seems every website is SJWing itself to death these days.

They missed a golden opportunity to put Mechassault, Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf, Unreal 2 The awakening, Ghost Recon Island Thunder, Rainbow Six 3, Halo 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Unreal Championship, and Unreal Championship 2 the Liandri Conflict on here.

How much you wanna bet these are all gonna be 20$, even if you can pick up the game for pennies on the dollar.

Okay, found an article that had far FAR less confusing of a title and info. THIS article here on kotaku makes it seem like this is an xbox one x only version that then also is updated... how very confusing.

yes and no, but will these improvements carry over on the patch side of things or only “activate” if its played on the xbox one x or not.

Honestly feels like a slap in the face to everyone who bought the xbox one version. Are they going to re release the original on xbox one to everyone who already owns it digitally and on disc (through a full update, games like dead or alive 5 ultimate did this when it changed to last round)

soooo basically its

Obviously its Abigail, my character is female but stardew valley doesnt care which is cool.

So much more crossover fanart thanks to this. which was probably their real goal.

I think he wants to make one and be IN one. Why are so many in the comments not getting this. Nobody on earth wants to make a porno to just watch people have it, you obviously want to get in on the action unless his fetish is voyeurism.

To be fair, every single guy on the planet has wanted to make a porno at some point unless they had lots of sex already and were super lucky to begin with.

Now playing

Who is the idiot that made that trailer ( i know these are often contracted out) because its 1080 30fps... you DONT do 30fps trailers for fighting games anymore, it makes the gameplay look sloppy, makes the video look fuzzy and overall makes it look kind of disgusting.

Im all for cheating in single player games to get more fun out of the experience. Its why big head mode and invincibility or even noclip can be fun.

add necrophilia to the list for resurrecting a zombie thread.

For me the controversy is by the sheer fact that non free to play games have 0 (zero:nil) need for them.

she apparently had epilepsy/migraine pills on her, its possible some flickering lights in the walk in (which happens, as they are often shitty lights) caused her to have a seizure and died of hyperthermia. But having alcohol AND caffeine in your system at such a young age on TOP of medical issues AND being off doing

You got your facts a bit muddled there, your ASSUMING this is based off the christian version of satan and its not. Christianity merely adopted the concept of satan LATER as a way to trick people and have someone or something to lay blame unto but the fact of the matter is the concept of satan has analogues throughout

who knows, some people still think its all about “dark fantasies” and us with our values as it is dont shame them for thinking that so people continue to think that.

As a satanist myself I do love the care of attention to the REAL satanism and not the mainstream bs. All the quotes here really are some the key elements of satanism without going over the entire book.