
Yeah, I was married both of us working and yet no savings. After I divorced and had recovered from that, suddenly I am debt free and I have savings. Hell I will even be able to retire by 60. It’s like I had someone who spent her money and some of mine.

And since you can cook and hopefully clean, the things that you might want in a woman are cut by a third. And if you don’t want kids and you have a few friends, kids and companionship are handled. So what else would you want to date for again? Stay single and enjoy life.

$1,500/mo for the household (all shared expenses). Rest is spent on motorcycles, an interesting life, and fancy tasty things. Much of which is shared with Darling Wife.

Well I support your choice then. Good luck to you.

If thinking about the future in these terms motivates you in this way, perhaps it can also spur you on to lead a more enjoyable life. If you only have 10 years, shouldn’t you enjoy them? If you are not trying to find the perfect relationship that will last forever, maybe just find ones that you enjoy. If you are only

Death is pretty good, I want a sweet death. Hell yeah. Relief!

He is gold in everything.

Yeah, I think we’re looking at least a 24 hr cook time here, if not 48.

Hey, you’ve got to hear both sides: They were about that PS life. LoL

Reminds me of an old saying:


If you are a fan of the super popular cinnamon-flavored whiskey known as “Fireball,”

I make sure to stay caught up on them whenever they post.

Years ago, I’d have killed for that much bacon, but spending $10 just to moisten a bird seems a little generous nowadays.

THIS!!! I’ve been spatchcocking my turkeys for several years now and they turn out great. I skip the bacon wrap... I’ve tried it before and found that it imparts too much salt/smoke/richness, but that is personal taste.

Please allow me to blow your mind:

This was one of the best bad movies ever made. I still love it.

Too bad our intrepid reporter Shane was intrepid enough to use a YouTube channel’s preview image of the video, but did not provide a link to the hilarious parody videos themselves for Billy Mays ads: Jaboody Dubs:

Too bad our intrepid reporter Shane was intrepid enough to use a YouTube channel’s preview image of the video, but