I’ve chosen not to date at all. The freedom this affords is truly remarkable.
I’ve chosen not to date at all. The freedom this affords is truly remarkable.
I personally look forward to working through the holidays. Nobody to distract me on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day means we can do things that normally we cannot do due to constant use of our systems. We’re planning a major server move on those 2 days.
Thanks, Jenny - that was sincerely kind of you to reach out like that. I’m 50 this year myself, so you and I are in the same generation. I have been, like you I sense, a giver for most of my adult life, and one of the most depressing things I’ve noticed in my attitude lately is that I’m less willing to help others…
Hi Jenny,
I have in fact given up on the world. Yes, humans are capable of amazing selflessness and kindness. These humans are trampled in a Who Concert-like massacre by those who don’t give a single fuck about anyone but themselves and will go to abhorrent lengths to prove that.
Traffic was OK, sky was clear, and I was directly in the center of the shadow in TN. One of the best damn days of my life - pics do not do it justice.
Listen to your elders - Ethernet is superior in every way. Gaming, 4K video, Skype, whatever. It all benefits from copper wire. DO IT.
Wubba LUBBA DUB Dub, you inbred primate.
Rick’s going to get the sauce. EVEN IF IT TAKES 9 SEASONS.
MartiniGuy’s Provence Chicken - TOP SECRET
It was the last time. I actually had an opportunity a couple months ago, but I ended up not doing it. It was with a girl I went to college with many years ago, and she had spent the previous 2 hours crying on my shoulder about her abusive ex-husband.
Ugh. I can’t remember the year of the last time I had sex.
Might want to mention that, if you’re a new customer, the discount won’t apply unless you remove the 10% discount at the bottom first. Then you can type in 2XMOM and it’ll take.
Might want to mention that, if you’re a new customer, the discount won’t apply unless you remove the 10% discount at…
A pat of butter might be better?
Well, I still CAN blame Mercury. But I’d be as delusional as... well, the rest of my life too.
PRECISELY my point! Since I stopped worrying about dating again, I can truly do whatever I want. Fully renovating my townhouse (master bath is next), getting back into scuba, and I still throw dinner parties for my friends. No fights, no adultery or divorces, no baggage. It’s SO liberating.
And I, sir, am happy for YOU and your Darling Wife(TM). Some people can pull it off. Since I am now single, I look back on my 100% failure rate on relationships and really, I don’t care to try again. But I can COOK.
It’s amazing how much money you can save by NOT dating. I haven’t dated in 3 years and I managed to put away $11,000 for new kitchen cabinets (part of a larger renovation project). Had my girlfriend still be living with me, I’d have to spend money on vacations and throwing dinner parties for her friends, taking her…
This is, of course, assuming one plans to “retire” well before their death. Less and less people will ever have that luxury. I will be working until I drop dead, most likely.