
The only surprise for me this year was the first week when NA didn’t completely suck and week...what, four? When Origen beat Flash Wolves. Everything else was 100% predictable and almost boring.

Yeah, I dunno. Until I see another one I’m not overly hopeful.

As much as I hate to admit it, I think Directs were kind of Iwata’s baby. I have a feeling they would have died out long ago, but that man legitimately seemed to care about the consumer. But with him gone, I’m kind of afraid Nintendo is going to drift into more of a faceless, soul-less corporation like a lot of other

There is more porn on the internet than you could ever have in your entire life. This is not a problem one needs to get bent out of shape over.

Couldn’t he have shaved off some time by not hitting the flags at their highest? I thoughts that’s what the speed runners did.

It makes me sad that I will never be as good at anything as this guy is at this game -_-

I’m so glad this is a part of my life now. Me and Japanese Instrument Smooth Criminal are so happy together. Thanks Kotaku!

I admit it, I chuckled a bit.

Sony has absolutely nothing to bitch about. If they wanted this market they could have had it a decade ago. Since it’s pretty clear they don’t mind handing over all that cash to another developer, they really have no recourse here.

FINALLY. I was never able to play Shadow of the Colossus. I might have to jump on this one, even if it’s only a shallow inspiration.

Right, that’s definitely a problem. There’s just too many people that want to throw microtransactions and DLC under the bus just because so many awful developers abuse them, which leads the GOOD developers who might not abuse them and might use them to actually deliver awesome new content to abandon them altogether,

I’m sorry to say, F2P isn’t the problem. It’s BAD F2P that’s the done. DLC and F2P models are fine when they’re done right. Microtransactions a good business model that works very well for a lot of games...but it’s an absolute money-grab on full-price titles. Especially those that say they’d never do it like Payday 2.


My prediction is Koo and SKT1 in the finals with SKT1 taking the whole thing (again :-\). But I didn’t watch KT Rolster much in the groups stage, so the Koo/KT game was hard for me to call.

They done. They had a good run, admittedly. Way better than the NA teams. But SKT1 is gonna win the whole shebang. Again.

Ah, I see what you’re saying. It’s not as blow-your-mind obvious. I dunno, I still get feelings of awe when I first saw Journey (which, yeah, was a couple years ago) and the vistas in Skyrim and such. I think good art design is always going to be impressive. But you’re right, it’s kind of a “that’s neat” rather than a

I’d actually like to see Black or White Mage from FF1 or a Moogle or something. Nintendo and Squeenix had them in a Mario Basketball game. It’d be nice to see some shoutouts to some of those earlier Nintendo Final Fantasy games.

That’s kind of a sad outlook. It’s like saying we have nothing left to invent. It seems like we’ve reached the pinnacle, but I think it’s felt like that before. The thing is, innovation and progress forward probably won’t be graphical from here on out. We’re going to see a lot more innovation in how games are played

Also, I want to say we’re pretty competitive in the fighting game scene, but I don’t have anything to back that up either.

Dyrus was good fun for a long time, but it was pretty clear he was getting burned out two seasons ago. Last year it looked like he was running on fumes and I predicted at last worlds he wouldn’t come back this season.

I’m tempted to say the other countries take it more “seriously” than the US. Asian countries anyways. I mean, the cliche is the Korean teams dominating these things and in Korea, e-sports athletes are about as popular as football stars here in the states. There’s just a lot more hype and prestige around the sport.