
I’m still hesitant to sink money into this game. It seems like a really long mini game. Does it have the lasting appeal of an Animal Crossing game? It seems like it would get old really fast. I mean, you say there’s interaction with the villagers, which is good, but it seems superficial at best. And without your own

Great, now explain the rest of the series’ bizarre titles.

“Something weird’s going on here!”

The creator knows how it’s “intended” to be beaten, knows what’s coming up and can plan for it, so yeah. No mean feat with a level like this, but still not as impressive as someone else beating it imo.

I really enjoyed the slow time + talrasha’s meteor build I had going on.

...I think you might be onto something.

I hear ya. It’s DEFINITELY worth a buy when it’s on sale.

That sound makes my heart race every time.

Would you say this is cut from the same sort of cloth (at least in terms of conflict resolution) as Renowned Explorers? I have to say, that game greatly impressed me for the same reasons this game sounds impressive.

Hot diggity damn. I loved all the original Gameboy Final Fantasy games (even if they weren’t technically Final Fantasy games), this makes me super happy.

Scott’s a pretty sharp guy, a good creator, a positively devious writer and a shrewd businessman. As “meh” as this project sounds, I’m sure he’ll make something very interesting out of it.

That’s the thing, though. The graphics aren’t even bad. We’ve become so wrapped up in the graphics hype that we’re starting to consider decent or even good graphics shit nowadays.

I am SO goddamn sick of people confusing “trash talking” with “outright vulgarity.” It is 100% possible to have friendly banter between competing individuals without resorting to senseless vulgarity. There’s not even anything clever or funny about how he unloaded onthe guy. He just strung as many curse words as he

This sums up my problem with it, yeah. I like the idea well enough, but the dog is...weird and out of place. The 50% form looks less “developed” than the dog.

I’m sorry, League of Legends isn’t bad at all. You could make this argument for Heroes, which is marginally worse (still not terrible in my opinion), but League is pretty damn inoffensive as a F2P game. Chromas are about the worst, most money-grubbing thing they’ve done, and even those are 100% optional. You CAN play

Which worries me a bit.

The thing people who post shit like this always seem to forget is that Batman stops the immediate problem of the crimes being committed but Bruce Wayne donates money to all sorts of charities. He’s a huge philanthropist.

I’m concerned. I was as hyped as anyone when I first saw it, but I predict a watered down Pokemon game identical to every other Pokemon game released, except you’ll have to walk around the real world to find the Pokemon. Which in and of itself is really neat, but also disappointing because they could do so much more

To be fair, it’s a pretty small hero pool right now, but yeah, a lot of characters are really not competitive at all and a few are definitely must-pick. Blizzard isn’t real good at balancing right now.