almost as many as it’ll be until your e60 throws a rod
almost as many as it’ll be until your e60 throws a rod
She’s probably waiting on Singer to start re-imagining 944s
Everyone: “So, Kristen, tell us how it really went down.”
Later, at a bar:
Those window intakes are rad af
I own a Miata
The B1 “sports utility truck,” as Bollinger Motors founder Robert Bollinger called it at his unveiling party Thursday evening at the Manhattan Classic Cars Club, has an all-aluminum sharp, Jeep-looking exterior that can be converted to a halfback pickup truck.
I sold a sketchy car once. It was an 82 Ford Granada. I was cleaning out the interior just before the buyer was coming by to look at it. I removed a magazine from the floor, and saw the pavement. I then put the magazine back onto the floor. Car sold for $500.
Kept driving it until the engine gave out. Added more air fresheners.
I bought a 1997 BMW 328i off of a really shady used car lot once. It was clean though, and was listed at a good price, so I bought it.
A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.
I would regale you with my story, but currently “SPONSORED LINKS BY TABOOLA” is covering the majority of my screen so I cant see past the first 100 char of my or anyone else’s comment. Guess I’ll just click on this “30 Car Cleaning Hack from Industry Ins OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
For those curious, there’s a simple way to calculate how much your modded car is worth:
Great post, Karen! Don’t forget, you’re also cooler than your son.
<continued laughter>