Mathias Rios

almost as many as it’ll be until your e60 throws a rod

Starred because Stig.

Hi all! I’m just here to watch people say incredibly shitty things to one another over their choice of phone.

She’s probably waiting on Singer to start re-imagining 944s

uh actually it says “IM PEACH” fake news smdh sad

Everyone: “So, Kristen, tell us how it really went down.”

Later, at a bar:

Those window intakes are rad af

I own a Miata

The B1 “sports utility truck,” as Bollinger Motors founder Robert Bollinger called it at his unveiling party Thursday evening at the Manhattan Classic Cars Club, has an all-aluminum sharp, Jeep-looking exterior that can be converted to a halfback pickup truck.

I sold a sketchy car once. It was an 82 Ford Granada. I was cleaning out the interior just before the buyer was coming by to look at it. I removed a magazine from the floor, and saw the pavement. I then put the magazine back onto the floor. Car sold for $500.

Kept driving it until the engine gave out. Added more air fresheners.

I bought a 1997 BMW 328i off of a really shady used car lot once. It was clean though, and was listed at a good price, so I bought it.

A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.

I would regale you with my story, but currently “SPONSORED LINKS BY TABOOLA” is covering the majority of my screen so I cant see past the first 100 char of my or anyone else’s comment. Guess I’ll just click on this “30 Car Cleaning Hack from Industry Ins OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

Great post, Karen! Don’t forget, you’re also cooler than your son.