Mathias Rios

What about this theory... Apple did not want to release the white iPhone on the release day so that the UV stains would not make the white phones yellow. SOO they delay it until the time where everyone gets an iPhone 5 and forgets about this problem, and the white phones released now will not be remembered later.

I had this on my phone with some cheapo chinese back I bought, and then I shattered it. Looks nice though. It's more striking if the frame was white though.


I already have a white iPhone 4... no thanks to Apple.

This guy is a BAMF. Give him his radiated food fellas!

Nice to know someone appreciates this! I'm pretty sure once the mods get wind of this they will ban me... haha

Not to be a troll or anything but isn't it interesting that two authors of similar blog sites use the same metaphor is a similar time?

These new overviews are like the ones at! I love em!

He is 38?!

I think I've seen these already. And they've been around for a few months. At least in NYC I've seen at least 50 of these.

The smart buyers know that next refresh they will most likely intro the higher res screen, so that percentage will wait and then they'll jack up the price on the model that has it and then Apple makes profit.

To keep customers baited...

@Walternate: Been there... done that. I used an MSI Wind Netbook for almost a year. Hackintoshing is for the STRONG.

I guess, but if users want the best (even though it's not) why not let them have it?

Yeah. I got unstarred. Dumb shit.

The arguments here are kinda like a jealous kid not wanting his friend to get something better than him so he tells his friend that the thing is bad and that he doesn't need it.

Sometimes this article displays the normal text and sometimes for me it displays "Apple just officially blasted out invites for their March 2 iPad unveiling, being held this time in San Jose instead of Cupertino or San Francisco."

@Qwxptlz: *GENIUS* Heart Click

Interesting Theory... I don't know. Maybe they should just re brand Quattro into an Apple Subsidy and let Quattro operate unchanged?