Mathias Rios


No, 630$ iPad

Yeah it does, it's because the tv is no longer a tube...

@TomServo: Yours is much better... well done haha :)

Mac OSX Turban

Wow doesn't that picture look so... 2005 to everyone?

Is the dude a member of

@Norbs: Didn't detect my sarcasm eh?

What's an iTouch?

oh shit

The Aliens rerigged it, and they're sending it back to earth.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I'd like to point out that in the back in the middle of that photo on the left pane, there is indeed a macintosh in the photo.

@MagicTrackpad: Is that shopped? He looks a bit (no WAY) too plump.

He was "removed", he did not leave on his on own.

Is the dark color of the water a product of the oil spill?

To me, the new nano looks like one of those Chinese knockoffs from last year of the shuffle in which they tacked on a horrible screen.

@Flss: Nice shoopin'