Gar, pretend you're a teacher explaining it to students. A little more info, pls.
Gar, pretend you're a teacher explaining it to students. A little more info, pls.
WAIT. Can you explain your music analogy to me? What's wrong with all those CDs I ripped back in 2001?
Check out Bobbi Brown cosmetics. Many of her shades have a yellow undertone, which is really flattering to my medium olive skin.
1) Generally speaking, no one obsessively analyzes the clothing of male politicians. Nor the shape of their ankles.
Casios are retro trendy now. Sorry, pal.
Good grief, I think it's the height of idiocy to make a mistake when correcting/chastising someone! (As I just did.) My apologies. And as far as the rest goes .... understood.
There's a lot wrong with To Catch A Predator. But if you had any idea of the damage pedophiles can do to victims' lives, you'd be ashamed and embarrassed about that first sentence.
The dictionary actually does give one definition — the one appropriate here — of "most" as "the majority". The dictionary defines "majority" as "more than half". I checked, but this is a standard definition found in "most" dictionaries.
A timely question, my friend:
Indeed! Why does anyone need women, apart from reproduction, cooking and cleaning?
I could be wrong, but I believe she's making this up :)
You say that US libel law grants a publication "not of journalism(sic) integrity" greater legal leeway to defame public figures than a publication with integrity?
@shorty63136: Ahem. You can publish most anything that's true in the US. Publish anything that's false and you can be sued for libel.
Thanks. I didn't see it, so whatever the reference was, it was lost of me.
Maybe gay men throw apple pies at the women they despise? Or a gay man misogynistically ate pie lbaked by a woman?
Why the apple pie?
You must have moved a lot.
@I'm Ron Burgundy?: Ha. I like it.