
Thinking of Eldridge Cleaver? He infamously detailed his abuse of black women as practice rape victims before graduating to white women as target rape victims in Soul on Ice.

Excellent and depressing piece. Thank you for staying on this subject, Barry.

How do you define “these people causing destruction and harm”? Surely not the few hundred black teenagers breaking windows and throwing rocks?

You can be sure of that. Also, as trite as it may be, these situation are sad and complicated and awful.

I have very mixed feelings about law enforcement filing false reporting charges against women whose abuse allegations they clearly believe to be true. Certainly it’s a common and frustrating situation for LEOs; certainly their goal is noble. But isn’t it illegal for the state to pursue charges they know to be false?

Not sports-related, but there are some horror stories about girls and women being convicted of filing false rape reports, only to be later vindicated when the rapists’ trophies were discovered.

The joke that 61 commenters got and two didn't. I'm not going to deconstruct it for you, but if you re-read first sentence, paying attention to words and punctuation, you will find it. I believe in you.

Evil Snacktastic hath returned :)

In which Snacktastic makes a short, clear reasonable comment and the world goes mad.

I'm sorry the joke went over your head?

Men like Weitzell get off on violating other people. He's not simply into photos of black players' asses, he's into non-consensual photos of asses.

Congratulations, you missed the joke :)

You just failed the "does this dude really believe women set tests" test. Please leave.

Like Jolie said, don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. But if you have a long-term girlfriend who regularly wants period sex, you might consider working through your fears for her sake. Women who like it really, really like it.

Honestly? All I really, really first-person know about you is the user name. And it seems sad and bad.

You're here for the hot male asses too, right? The headline is disappointingly deceptive.

Where are all the pics of hot male asses?

Not just breaking news. According to Mark Shrayber, "historical change".

Worth noting: At the time of the shooting, Officer Torres was under investigation by Internal Affairs for "anger issues". Five months earlier he'd caused a scene at the county courthouse, loudly and repeatedly cursing out an assistant prosecutor. The incident was serious enough for five top police commanders to call