
I'm embarrassed for my gender. Just so you know, reasonable women do recognize satire when they read it.

@RedEngine88: You can't at But try — you'll get the old format.

What is a baby wearing store?


@Peppermint: Some say that MoCo's posts incite misogynists.

@sarasasa: And to think that poor thing didn't know wtf was going on from age 11 to 15. Parents, send your young daughters to a gyno!

@Le Coucher d'Yvette: But do you hate it more than accidentally getting pregnant? (My nephew was conceived while my sister-in-law had an IUD.)

@De-fameDe-fame: What kind of disciplinary action could they pursue? Racist speech is still free speech, and it's a public university — not private — so they don't really have much leeway when it comes to enforcing some idea of appropriate behavior.

@Death_By_SnuSnu: Excellent! But — Thunderclees got his star back earlier tonight. He may not even know yet.

Crosstalk and Tips links are here! At least for the moment. They've been appearing and disappearing for me for a week or two.

@Mrs. Beeton: You're being reasonable, and there's no place for that here.

@Nimnyn: Jezebel is one post away from proclaiming that fat people rule while thin people drool.

@PhillyLass: Lately I feel like Jez authors are trolling their own readers.