Chippies? Really?
@femme-bot: Voice of reason, thank you.
@Cheney Guevara: You're awesome.
@MadameTurbo: The states minus Alaska, the largest state.
@vox_rowan: My hands hurt now. Respond later.
@mnestic: Blame Irin Cameron. Probably six people saw the damned thing before she wrote this advertisement for it.
@junkbondtrader: Irin is trolling Jez readers for pageviews with this cartoon. It's despicable.
@banana_grabber: You're right. I should have said high cholesterol.
@cait98: So that's how names and membership work, huh? So no men can join now. And Planned Parenthood shouldn't work towards the planning of non-parenthood.
@cait98: From the linked article:
@David Hume: Silly, negging works only on really young girls.
@Lastmenagerie: You do? Hear those jokes all the time? Seriously? I've never heard one. I hear the jokes about the guys who go in for vasectomies but get scared and walk out unsnipped.
@Maloik: There's been a lot of trollishness at Gawker since Hack-pocalypse. Maybe the Jezzies are just sensitive to that. Or maybe they're just sensitive.
@Thus Spake Kate is effulgent.: U r adorably smart and funny!
@accesskathryn: Nice!
@Virginia(formerly Jen)loveshercurves: There are upper class areas in Northern California, but Northern California is not upper class. Much of it is economically depressed.
@Kardster: Thank you.
@ddhboy: Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate is right now?