
@mozzy: According to something I read the other day, her parents are fairly well off and have hired a big-shot Illinois prosecutor to investigate/protect (what's left of) their daughter's interests.

@skahammer: I've given up a lot of fatty foods. If I try to taste one at a party, I may be able to get it down but I sure can't keep it down. Then again, I have a delicate, girly stomach so YMMV.

@OilcanAllie: I'm sorry that happened to you, but thank you for writing in. That was a really stupid and ignorant statement Apple made.

Thanks, Giz. That was not only sweet, but helpful.

@PommeDeReinette: All tequila is made in Mexico, and you can usually buy the same brand MUCH cheaper there. Alas, I'm in Virginia now, so I buy my tequila here. There's a lot of really good — and much more expensive — tequila being imported now to the U.S. and very likely to Canada too.

@PommeDeReinette: Until the last 10 years or s0, most Americans were buying really cheap tequila. Which produced a particularly toxic hangover.

@jrobsf: Good to know! Sorry for the misunderstanding.

@jrobsf: Going back to your first post, you mention "wavering self-esteem". You would probably benefit — and I mean this kindly, not bitchily — from working to improve your sense of self and your opinion of yourself. Then you wouldn't need to rely on attention from men to prop up your self-esteem.

@kateblack: YES. I support men* being publicly groped against their will. You don't like it? Well now you know what it feels like!

@HydrocephRevenant: (I'm hesitant to say this here because I don't want to inject a light note into this horrific story, but "vexatious" is a fantastic word. I have to go now, because my dog, who is extremely vexatious, wants her dinner.)

@femme-bot: Jeff Neumann didn't mention it, but the boy wasn't wearing a bicycle helmet. I think that's the true point of contention.

@nicoleamaria: Wait till you get to be about 40. By then, your face starts to reflect your character — unless you Botox all character away!

Were you in the delivery room when your wife gave birth? If so, you might reconsider that weak pussy stuff. Favre is the toughest nutsack around.

Look carefully at Raquel's photo, esp. her left arm and the angle of the dress on her right side, at the floor. Do you think she's pulling the fabric back with her hand in the photo — to accentuate her shape?

You guys know that this kind of thing already exists, right? It's called a "hot tub". You want to get a fancy one, with lots of different types of jets in different spots. And test drive the one in the showroom before you buy!