@DoctorEcks: You snarking, or serious? 'Cause I have a Polaris, and it never occurred to me to use it that way. Just hold it and direct the waterflow?
@DoctorEcks: You snarking, or serious? 'Cause I have a Polaris, and it never occurred to me to use it that way. Just hold it and direct the waterflow?
Drew, Anna's eyes are gorgeous. And her skin is flawless. But her hair is lustrous.
My dog's (R) is bigger than your dog's (R).
@ShaynaLK: Honey, I promise you: You could live through any given 10 years that way, and they'd still end up being the worst. For a variety of reasons. (Sigh.)
@LessThanZero: As a Verizon customer with an expired contract, I'm so torn. Switch to ATT, which doesn't have fabulous service on my street, or continue the endless Verizon wait. ... What's your guess — when will V. get the iPhone?
@LessThanZero: It's simply a user control (I think). So if it's your iPhone — not bought by a puritanical boss or parents — you should be able to be as naughty as you like.
@Arthur_Digby_Sellers: Deanna's probably sick of teeny, tiny links. But offer her a nice Polish kielbasa ....
You do a story on the five worst mean little girls of all time, and you don't include Rhoda (Patty McCormack) from The Bad Seed? You ain't got no credibility.
@Thunderclees: Some people read Deadspin for the dong pics; I read it for the references to 19th century French authors. Merci.
@Admore: If we're already doing it, pixt away! But I don't want my first view of your dong to be on my cellphone.
@LoudTheremin: I know of her book, but I had NO IDEA she had a YouTube channel. I shall go posthaste. Thanks!