
I mostly use the fuse mechanic for simple puzzle-based tasks. I’ve never had the desire to build anything more complex than four wheels on a plank with a steering wheel, or a stick stuck on a gear to solve a shrine, and I’ve been enjoying the game immensely.

“And the one that absolutely takes me out, aside from him doing the Halloween theme, is his character shouting “I’m Nic Fucking Cage” several times. I’d love for him to burst onto a movie scene with this line, just one time.”

I watch them for at least 30 minutes a week!

My two tips to get more out of the internet:

Next you’ll be telling me the Mario Kart timeline is fake.

Ah, that must be my friend Richard. He’s a huge Benny Goodman fan.

Thanks. It worked!

The problem is that the entertainment landscape has become increasingly fragmented over the past decade.

Thanks for letting me know how many clicks I saved by just scrolling down to the comments and skipping the slideshow nonsense.

Metroidvania? Classic Disney? Exactly the type of game that usually appeals to me, but something about the art style looks slightly off somehow.

This has to be a PR stunt. He looks totally fine, and surely realizes it. Plus, the whole bit about “[hiding his] identity, even if public, at McDonalds, or any place I need to go” is just over-the-top.

That’s totally fine!

Just don’t do that on the train. Or anywhere in public. Please.

There was trash talk, but it’s much easier to ignore “Youze all lozers!!!111!” at the top of the screen in small-font text than to put up with a voice reverberating around in your head with slurs.

I was a very early “online” gamer in the 90s, on text-based MUDs, using Kali IPX emulators for Doom netplay, etc. I figured that was where gaming was going, and I wouldn’t look back. The late 9os were an exciting time.

“FaZe Clan” isn’t some group of backyard gamers, it’s a NASDAQ listed company (at least for now). It’s a workplace. It’s an employer. It’s not just an edgy group of insecure “gamer bros”, it’s a corporate entity.

I spent 45 minutes solving this. When my wife reached it in her playthrough, I smugly said: “solve this one”.

Items are widely available, except:

The art looks great, but Marathon was well-regarded for its reasonably complex plot (the main thing it had over the likes of Doom), and the way it was revealed through terminals, crew-diaries, etc. (a technique many games picked up later).

I’m so out of touch, I don’t even know what “clout” means in this context.