It's copyright "BIG MACHINE RECORDS, LLC". Seems appropriate for the Taylor Swift product.
It's copyright "BIG MACHINE RECORDS, LLC". Seems appropriate for the Taylor Swift product.
You could do the semisoft wedge cutting pattern and still keep exposure to a minimum, I think.
The veined wedge Hollywood-spotlights pattern is cool. But it seems arbitrary. How does this pattern ensure the most representative slices of the cheese? Why wouldn't you treat it as a short log having a triangular transverse cross section?
Yep. This is how harpies speak.
Michael Sam could have played for another team all along, but he's not into girls.
{Lousy pandas...}
Ha! Guess you fancy Reeeee-Searchers done got TOOK! Bitches.
Bear in mind: I've already ruled out adverbs like "deliberately" and "intentionally".
"Oops" is apparently an unsatisfactory answer when you're asked about murder. I'm open to other ideas...
{Shit! I can't even ponder that fast!}
If it's odd sideways, is it even when you straighten it up? If so, why? Write a short essay in your blue-book. You have 45 seconds...
Ask you questions? Fine. What's the square-root of 2 divided by your room mate's income? (I am not accepting "infinity" as an answer, because I didn't say "legal income".)
When your foot hits your face, what do you instantly figure went horribly wrong?
Yeah, good question. You have a severe concussion... This happened to me and I conducted a debate in my head about whether Elmer Fudd could have/should have murdered Bugs Bunny... So let's talk about this later.
The best soup is "BooGaloo".
It's your language. I just use it once in a while, then give the keys back.
Don't even try to tell me that nobody thought that was funny.