
It's copyright "BIG MACHINE RECORDS, LLC". Seems appropriate for the Taylor Swift product.

You could do the semisoft wedge cutting pattern and still keep exposure to a minimum, I think.

The veined wedge Hollywood-spotlights pattern is cool. But it seems arbitrary. How does this pattern ensure the most representative slices of the cheese? Why wouldn't you treat it as a short log having a triangular transverse cross section?

Yep. This is how harpies speak.

Michael Sam could have played for another team all along, but he's not into girls.

{Lousy pandas...}

Ha! Guess you fancy Reeeee-Searchers done got TOOK! Bitches.

Bear in mind: I've already ruled out adverbs like "deliberately" and "intentionally".

"Oops" is apparently an unsatisfactory answer when you're asked about murder. I'm open to other ideas...


{Shit! I can't even ponder that fast!}

If it's odd sideways, is it even when you straighten it up? If so, why? Write a short essay in your blue-book. You have 45 seconds...

Ask you questions? Fine. What's the square-root of 2 divided by your room mate's income? (I am not accepting "infinity" as an answer, because I didn't say "legal income".)

When your foot hits your face, what do you instantly figure went horribly wrong?

Yeah, good question. You have a severe concussion... This happened to me and I conducted a debate in my head about whether Elmer Fudd could have/should have murdered Bugs Bunny... So let's talk about this later.

The best soup is "BooGaloo".

It's your language. I just use it once in a while, then give the keys back.

Don't even try to tell me that nobody thought that was funny.