
It depends. Is it yours? Okay. Then, poisoned.

Always protect your 'nads. Wolverines certainly won't.

Why is there a huge wolverine eating the crotch of the little boy on the right?

I think I would have said, "Who cares? And why haven't you already left to "Go get it!"?

This should be your slogan.

Never have so many gone so far to be arrested on the same couch.

ME! C'mon! I at least helped!?

Oh, THAT'S what they mean by "hands behind your head"! I was thinking more generally. Good thing we had this little couch seminar. Now I can go out and get arrested with more confidence.

Why is this kid demonstrating the proper manner by which to surrender to police? What is he anticipating?

Someone should get that silver vampire bat off that girl's head though.

Nice hats, by the way.

In the above photograph, there are archetypes. Which one is "the fat kid"?

Right. You could NEVER lead could you? Your mommy told me so.