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Nice police station that has open showers for men and women. Sign me up!
Yes, yes! thanks for the sleuthing!
Who is that on the Esquire mag and which date?
I read the books also. (spoiler) I'm curious how they will deal with the inner dialog that the main character has with her "host".
OT: Anyone else getting slightly tired of this image?
The government.
That's tight.
Weird, because when I was 15, I was wearing skinny jeans, chasing girls and listening to hip hop. We are recycling the past :)
Hmm. Does this replace my sonicare toothbrush as well?
Probably just used Photoshop content-aware fill. Frame by frame ;)
Rename it to JerkCircle+
Somewhere there is a zit waiting to be popped.
Does the bike come with the girl?
Definitely man-hands there
It's like painter's tape (blue tape) for the skin!
Can't seem to edit posts anymore in this new layout. Oh well!
Did someone say carwash?