Mark Rideout


The ass shot was nice. Should have been lens flare somewhere on it. :)

I wish Leia had a bit more personality in her looks. She just looks like a generic western girl and an Indian girl at that (hey nothing wrong with Indians either)

I'm not sure. They probably should have called Tatiana - Titiana

Sigourney looks like Carol Burnett in this

please please I hope she does

Picture 3 - that guy lives in a van down by the river.

I just want to hear the "chirp -chirp" sound of someone locking the doors on it as they walk away.

@Ryan_the_D: $349 then. Its the PS3 in the palm of your hand. That should count for $50 more right?

@Good news, everyone!: Because they want to see if they can tie it into pricing "PSP 2 - Twice the price with twice the spice"

@lvclix: you'll have blue balls

@Maxjes: Agree as well. A total lack of a game lineup for a new platform.

I'm surprised at the lack of actual game announcements. I always thought you have a large list of new titles when you announce a new platform. Is that old school now?

Umm, are they gonna show COD gameplay or just the logo?? FAIL

"He says the dream to play home console games outside on a portable (the same game) hasn't been realized yet" And by the time NGP ships the home console system will be next-next-gen

It seems like most of the game clips are just cut scenes not real gameplay (Lost Planet and Yakuza 4 as examples)

Thank god it is user friendly - I hate it when they decide to design it unfriendly. ;)

@Nitesh!: Let's hope nobody finds our exhaust port!