CTS Sport Wagon is a good looking wagon. I could see a slight premium for it over a sedan. But this seems to be on the high side. Maybe around $12-14?
CTS Sport Wagon is a good looking wagon. I could see a slight premium for it over a sedan. But this seems to be on the high side. Maybe around $12-14?
Not surprising in the least to anyone who has been paying attention to privacy laws and protections. It isn’t just car companies, it’s every company trying to do this. Our government has failed for decades to enact legislation to protect individual privacy because there is a lot of money that can potentially be made…
No, like the design of that house literally forces the cybertruck to drive through the water to reach that spot lol.
Five bucks says that all the delivery crews in the area know it as “the rape house”.
You park your Cybertruck in the driveway for all the world to see, anyway. No way you’re going to hide that thing inside a garage; like this house, it’s a statement piece. The statement is “I have money but no brains or taste.”
At least they looked at the forms and did something interesting with it, or attempted to at least. An attempt was made with that, no attempt was made with house from the article.
Alright, well at least that’s art. I mean, I don’t like it and it doesn’t look livable (like most “architecture” set-piece homes), but it’s architecture and some real effort and skill went into it. It mirrors the Cybertruck’s lines and then ups its game masterfully — artistically speaking, it does what the Cybertruck…
Yeah, but he got mad about gas stoves on Twitter.
How much crack did you smoke before making that comment?
Just because he can’t cook doesn’t mean he wouldn’t refuse to live in a house with a woke stove
The guy that buys this house doesn’t care either way because they can’t cook.
I didn’t think CT when looking at those pictures.
What refrigerator? There doesn’t seem to be an obvious fridge.
Needs more contrast. Like my baby blue Fiat where the Cybertruck is.
“So right out of the gate, we already know it’s a tacky bro-pad right down to the gas stove”
They both broke, but the Ford was able to start and drive away faster than 5mph.
I get that it’s fun to point and laugh at the rich guy complaining about $9, but the issue he raises seems legitimate. His residence, his car, and his kids are all outside of the congestion zone but because of how the streets are laid out he has to briefly drive into the congestion zone when going around the block in…
I like that we can argue over what type of asshole this obvious asshole is.
You can say it til your face turns blue, but congestion pricing is not regressive.
Instead of complaining that he, a very rich man, has to pay a whole $9 to drive to see his kids, he could instead contemplate the factors that contributed to his children living, you know, elsewhere.