Mark Jacob

As the owner of two Forester XT’s, I am torn on this one.

If you are going to brag about the mods you did, list them. Let me know what you did and I’ll decide if they add value for me (or vise versa).

The “can’t see the forester through the fees” thing almost made me spit my beer out! Good one Rob 👍


Nah, he killed someone in the wrong tax bracket and the wrong color.

Its cold out.  Not a single person would have looked suspicious leaving a mask and hood up, and he all the sudden drops it all at a McDonalds?  All of the tough parts were over.  I have a very hard time believing the capture.

100%.  None of it makes any sense when you get past the surface.  I think the only thing that wasnt planned was the reaction from the public.

The whole story stinks. How did he know when the guy would be in NYC? What hotel he’d be at? That he would leave at 7:30am? If he had security? Or if he was just coming to town for the meeting in the morning and leaving? There are a lot of questions and he didn’t just hang out for 10 days hoping to come across the

This guy planned out every step, seemingly meticulously, then gunned down a well known CEO in the most surveilled city in the country, escaped in a way that left bullets with a message and a backpack full of Monopoly money, got out of the city successfully, but was found off a tip from a *McDonalds employee* and he

No more Social Security, unemployment insurance or worker’s compensation.

1st Gear: just like when Trump proposed lowering COVID cases by stopping testing for COVID. “If you don’t test you won’t find new cases”

I hope the autoworkers are happy they don’t have to build WOKE EVs when they are at home not building anything because their union protections went out the window. 

Just like when he said we can lower COVID cases by not testing for COVID.

Spiteful and world-class stupid pretty much sums up the incoming administration.

They’re in the process of being replaced by these new trucks (the NGDV) that come in both ICE and EV variants. I believe the first batch are all ICE but will transition to 75% EV later.

God damn all of the stupid racist assholes that voted for Trump. They have already damned the rest of us.

Next up is a federal mandate stating to measure not from the base but the house next door.

Lowering standards so you can meet them is peak Trump...

Fucking MAGAt.  This country is fucked.

“The trio then attempted to hike their way back to civilization, but only one of the party made it to his destination. One of the men climbed up to the road and hitchhiked back home. After not being able to contact the other two men the following day, he finally reported the crash to police.”