Mark Jacob

I can assure you that I have *never* dreamed of owning something like this.


He’s a giant baby and dismisses any comment that doesn’t go with his original comment.

Back to being a baby, I see.

so edgy

I am now dead. 

That is an arm-nada.

You, sir, are a master of the troll. I applaud your efforts here; many jimmies are rustled.

No worries mate.  I hope Volvo does something awesome with the car too! (Like give it to me to drive all the time too!)

No.  Just fucking no.  He is the last person that should have that car.  It should be donated to Volvo to be put on display, or given to someone in Irv’s family so they can continue to drive it.

I love white/yellow letters on a black tire, that came that way from the tire factory.  I despise the tire stickers that people are starting to put on their tires.

You say that like a gray purge is a bad thing.

It looks great, but would look a kabillion times better without that chrome around the bottom-sides and back. 

Former Vermonter here, and my parents and in-laws still live there.  My parents are staunchly in the left, and I’m pretty sure they still voted for Scott.  He’s pretty much a Republican in name only, and has been a great governor.

This is stupid. The innovative ways teams cheat is the only thing that could possibly make NASCAR remotely interesting/fun.

“Neither does its class competitor, the Porsche Boxster, and I would very much argue that the Z4 is the more handsome car of the two”

Every time I get in my mother-in-law’s Fusion I want to die.

“With God’s grace I decide to move on”

What the holy fuck is that

I just bought a maul a few weeks ago. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing those pieces of wood fly as you smash that giant hunk of metal down.  My beard grew 4 inches in a half hour.