Mark Jacob

That makes sense. It’s just a weird way to put it.

How could she be “legally drunk” if she was cited for underage drinking? I’m so confused.

“...a radical departure from the gas 911 we’ve known...”

Be still my much want.


The proportions are fantastic, but the front is too droopy. Still pretty good looking, though.

......are we talking about the same car? That’s...not a good looking car.

I mean, you’re not wrong, and I really do agree with you, but when your vehicle choice starts to impede on other people’s ability to navigate roadways and parking lots safely, it’s time to rethink your automotive choices.

No, that title goes to either Martin Shrekeli (I can’t think of how to spell his name and can’t be arsed to look it up) or Ted Cruz.


Goddamn, I want one in my V70 now.

I’m so very confused.

It’s already happened:

As a resident of the shithole state in question - good. Sue this god-forsaken place into oblivion. The whole state needs a giant reset button hit on it.

That’s what I was thinking - why the piece of paper and not just use your hand?

You, sir, are a god among men. An Amazon wagon is one of my absolute dream cars, and you’ve gone and rescued one and made it incredible. I thought I would be mad that it’s a BMW underneath, but after seeing the level of thought and fabrication that went into it, I can’t be upset. It’s amazing.

She said she wasn’t using a phone. The video tells a completely different story.

Element or VehiCross is 100% the correct answer here.

Honestly, I’m impressed that they are making 70 a year. I figured these were more of a one-a-month-ish kinda deal.

I was really happy about this until: