Mark Jacob

I wonder if he’ll modify my 240 wagon? I’m genuinely curious to see what the result would be.

This should 100% be the top comment.

This needs all the stars.

“Only trouble is, they commit the cardinal sin of including some farmers and other fly over state whites in the commercial.”

Runner-up for best ads, IMO.

There will never be a better comment.

Best ad of the night.

That’s one hell of a mall.

I must have missed it - what clap back?

Took me a second. Well fucking done, sir/madam!

DRUM BRAKES? Is this still 2018?

I don’t think that’s a graphic - looks more like light reflecting off the lower curved surface of the screen surround.

God damnit. I literally just ordered a similar kit a few hours ago for about $5 more. Oh well.

God damnit. I literally just ordered a similar kit a few hours ago for about $5 more. Oh well.

I would die.

RDR is the only game I can think of that I’ve ever finished to 100% completion. It was soooooo good.

k’ve never heard a rally car? Ever? And you’re on Jalopnik?


Cool. Now can they please fix my Home so that it reads off my commute information and calendar events for the day when I ask it to tell me about my day?