Mark Jacob

That guy is definitely in the running for Most Punchable Face 2017.

The Accord is awful looking, no matter what angle you’re seeing it at.

Show me on the doll where the sand rail touched you.

Way to kill my boner.

This, 100%.

There’s obviously a piece of car that comes flying off and lands in the street in the video - did the police not think to use that?!?!?!

I suppose it is. When I look at an SS, all I see is a dull-as-dishwater looking sedan with an average V8, and (besides the suspension) options that are found on many much cheaper vehicles. You’re basically paying $40,000+ for a decent V8 and fancy suspension, which I can’t justify.

Still about $8-10k more than it should cost.

You’re not wrong, but he now has two children that will require car seats for at least the next 5 years. The best solution is a minivan. If he wants to sacrifice some comfort and practicality so he can go fast...well, that’s a decision only he can make. He can always replace the minivan with something fun later.

When you have multiple children that require car seats, there is simply nothing better than a minivan. Here’s what I did when I started producing babies:

How did no one suggest one of these?

I agree with everything you say, but I was bringing it up more for the fact that it survived way more abuse than I thought it would.

Watch the Top Gear Patagonia Special. That’ll tell you everything you need to know.

Thank you for this - I’ve heard the SR20 rule invoked a few times around here, but never actually knew where it came from. Mystery solved!

What town were these pictures taken in?

This car is fucking beautiful, amazing, and almost completely ruined by the stupid giant-ass wheels stuffed up in the wheel wells.

“...not inviting drunk Kevin Spacey to sleep on your couch kind of scared.”

Haven’t read the comments yet - I assume someone has already mentioned the blank switch panels.