
the developers of video games have no obligation to give players choices if they don’t want to. if the devs want the female characters to be sexy then they’re gonna be sexy. if Miyazaki wants his games to be hard then they’re going to be hard. they’re not obligated to make concessions for anybody.

To be clear: I have no problem with people wanting to wear short-shorts or heels. Whatever works for you and makes you feel good, I’m down for it. And I think video games should include options for people who want to wear revealing clothing or super-high heels. However, it’s frustrating that in 2022 we still have

I guess I’m just not seeing how sexy pixels negatively impact actual people. If that link is demonstrable and proven, then I’ll change my perspective.

I, for one, shocked, SHOCKED! to discover that a video game in which the first promotional image I saw featured 3(!) near-identical female characters wearing not only Boob Armor, but Boob Armor With Boob Windows(!) would be sexist in other ways as well.


My view is that video games are a great place for larger-than-life fantasy and therefore there is nothing really wrong with the idea of “combat heels” or nonsense armor or the like. It’s stupid and unrealistic, sure, but I just don’t see it as harmful.

That would have been the complaint instead.

Maybe they thought that dressing up in traditional attire of cultures that aren’t their own as white people would’ve been 10x worse.

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

So... a guy who doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore, goes on a right-wing Discord and post some stuff Kotaku writers don’t agree with. Quick, write a story with the Blizzard logo as the main image.

We are talking about a social climate in which people lose their minds over a white woman daring to play a robot on film and are willing to send death threats over Starbuck ‘Holiday’ cups. It’s easier listing things people don’t get bent out of shape about. If Bob Ross was alive today people would try and cancel him

I Saints Row 2 balanced the silliness while still keeping it grounded perfectly. Where the option to do insane, over the top nonsense is there like spray city blocks with poop but the city felt like a real place and likable characters.

Not only, but obviously the main reason.

Kinda seems like you're just salty that hard games exist and people like a challenge that you are unable or unwilling to rise to.

Weird how you wrote an article critiquing others’ egos yet the whole reason this article exists is because of your own obvious ego issues.

I normally respect everything you put out Ash, being half black/white, but you are wrong here . He did the very same thing you yourself did and in no way were either of you being racist.

People need to stop knee-jerk calling other people racist around every discussion about race. It waters down what racism is.

He is a racist for pointing out race?  LOL.  You did the same thing in the TITLE OF YOUR ARTICLE.

I mean yeah it’s really cool that woman who is also black got the record. But you actually didn’t need to put that she was black or a women in the title. You made this about race (and gender) and got called out on it. That’s not being racist.

Ah yes, race.

Put her name in the title please.