
I’m not about to read the book of comments below this one, I’m sure it’s interesting, but I just wanted to say, that I’ll second this. “Liberal” here, generally, I don’t do politics much, but the snarky “activist-edgy” tone recently (last year or two) has been a bit grating, and if Patricia reads this, I hope she

I’m a former conservative. When they wanted Trump, I wanted out. Registered democrat, voted for Biden.

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

If you want your website to be more inclusive, shouldn’t you also take into account more conservative views? Shouldn’t you build bridges rather than ostracize people who may not fall as far left of the spectrum as you? I get not tolerating bigotry, but there is a decidedly activist tone to many of Kotaku’s article

Nice for them to add content, I guess... now if only the game actually fun to play.

I’ve had the game on PC for a few years. I gave it a try a few times, including in VR, to see if I could finally enjoy it, since every big update seems to have added interesting stuff.... but no. No matter how much fancy stuff they add,

better to white American ears”

On the flipside, as long as you can find ONE Hispanic person who IS bothered by this, it instantly and permanently is indefensible and evil!

Tsk, like your opinion counts. You're Hispanic, not white, therefore you don't know better. You don't even use "Latinx," which makes you sexist or something.

Appreciating other cultures is slowly becoming illegal. Keep this up and foreign representation will be erased from all media, and new generations will think the whole world is American. Is that what we want?

I’d bet that a lot of the “outrage” came from people not of that culture who are “outraged on behalf of them”.

They use the colonizer term “Latinx cause it sound better to white ears than the Spanish “Latino.” So I doubt they care about Hispanic takes. 

As a Hispanic person (though not Mexican), please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally fine.

E3 just tweeted the story, it’s a fluff tweet. they didn’t write the damn thing. be mad at parade if anything.

Even then, it’s a fuckin ‘top 25' story. The kinda shit buzzfeed lives off of. Hardly a hard hitting opinion piece.

To be fair (though I can’t say it applies in Bulgaria) there are definitely countries in which the word itself is nowhere near as offensive (especially depending on the context of the sentence) as it is in others.

So when are they gonna start banning all the women that ‘accidentally’ show things they’re not supposed to?
Oh right.. never.

The question is what makes an accusation credible? Is it simply the existence of an accusation that will make twitch wash their hands of you? Multiple accusations? Proof? A conviction?

The problem is Twitch is horrible about preferential treatment and what may get a lower tiered streamer banned might not even be a blip

Honestly I have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand, I definitely think twitch shouldn’t give a platform to abusers, but I’m a little leery of them banning accused abusers, and not proven abusers. Hard to think of a valid correction for that though, given how hard it typically is for victims to see any justice

What if there was a version of D&D where the playable races were just different animal species? Would you attribute their stats to the differences in cultures and ideas of our world? Pick a few animals who share about the same level of sentience, and would you ask why aren’t there dogs who would rather learn to play

What’s funny is that this idea that Tolkien said “some creatures are made evil” is an absolute fabrication. Do you know how the orcs were created in the Lord of the Rings world? Do you know why the orcs are evil by design? Do you know much of anything about the creation lore surrounding that universe? If not, I’m

During a time when BLM and racism is at the forefront of peoples minds and during the time of a somewhat major platform crashing without most people (including employees) not knowing I wouldn’t be surprised if racism was used as a weapon as a form of revenge.

Whether this is true or not it doesn’t matter because in