Thousands of years of billions of people using it to mean okay verses a couple years of a handful of racists seriously using it to signal to each other.
Thousands of years of billions of people using it to mean okay verses a couple years of a handful of racists seriously using it to signal to each other.
“Abby’s character in particular seems to have become something of a sore point for reactionary fans who can’t seem to deal with the idea of a woman having big muscles.”
Hmm.. needs more candy cane
TLOU2 is an amazing technical masterpiece of a game engine.. with some really unfortunately content wrapped around it.
It’s sort of weird to hear of CAH taking moves to make sure their office culture isn’t toxic and problematic when the game has spent years profiting off of every -ism they could think to write down.
I-is she not fired? I thought everyone at mixer was fired at this point. I mean they shut down the entire thing.
Cool. So.... Alinety next?
Yeah I would think that would be a much better solution. Maybe in the future those episodes will return with such a thing. Just feels really weird to scrub entire episodes over it. Fortunately I already own the series on physical media so it doesn’t effect me but I know a few series that im probably going to just buy…
Snes days games cost 50 bucks. But if we were talking how that stacks up to todays doller that would be almost 100 dollars. Games have been stagnant now at 60 bucks but every year that 60 bucks less and less far.
It’s worth noting that WoTc also said they would reprint Tomb of Annihilation and Ravenloft to remove culturally insensitive passages. They’ve already updated the digital copies on Roll 20, the changes for Ravenloft removing lines that describe the locals stereotypical viewpoints on the Vistiani and in Tomb of…
Oh those “Morally Complicated” Drow and their slave owning, supremacist, demon tainted, sadistic, caste loving, sexist culture!
Well you know in a funny way they got what they wanted. The person who blew the whistle on it originally said they were giving Mixer 1 week to fire the racist they were pissed off about. Microsoft fired everyone just a scant 48 hours later.
ND literally don’t give a shit about not being scummy. I mean they tweeted out a picture of Joel for fathers day just to twist the knife.
Except this is the digital age where trailers can be updated and replaced in less than a few hours with the proper content. Even if your scenario was true, it was well well within their capabilities to correct it long before release.
People hated it and were outraged when it was done for Metal Gear Solid 2, people hate it now. It’s not a great thing to do.
As with anything that offers review ratings from low to high, always only look at the middle ones. The low ones are almost always salty about something irrelevant or unlikely, the highest ones are always either bought or written by people who overlook obvious issues. Always look for the middle reviews if you want to…
“Cancel Culture is fake” *meanwhile on social media daily calls to cancel this or that trend constantly and often have some sort of effect of either partial or total removal*
Grace Walker was the character that everybody hated, even the other characters. She spends the entire game being an asshole to everyone culminating in a scene where she gets choked out by a former nazi and literally nobody raises a finger or a voice to try and help her because they all know she kinda deserves it.
“instead of erecting statues to the Xbox, the United States continues to honor Confederate figures with memorials across the country.” I mean I’m not defending it but nobody really died in the console wars.
“As an aside, what are you really fighting for when you demand to keep a word that a large group of people is bothered by, or that a group of experts finds pejorative?”