Oh it’s stupid. None of the terms they are talking about wanting replace have anything to do about race and couldn’t be considered to be about race outside of morons and concern trolls.
Oh it’s stupid. None of the terms they are talking about wanting replace have anything to do about race and couldn’t be considered to be about race outside of morons and concern trolls.
I mean does it really tho? There is still a place for games that show cops as they should be. There is still a place for games that show cops at their worst. Even with Miles game.. hes gonna be spider man for most of it and the cops aren’t going to know what race he is to even show a difference to how they treat…
oooh I like that idea for a plot.
Didn’t have a criminal lifestyle, but was high on meth. Sweet legal Meth from a legal dealer
They’re taking out whole planets? That’s pretty bold. I can’t see people happy with LESS stuff to do in a game that’s already pretty.. lacking in stuff to do once you cap out.
I don’t know that people really have that hard of a time believing that there are a lot of bad cops, I think its harder selling them on the idea that there are so many that its a real problem. Its very easy to look at the numbers avalible and build an argument that it’s “not that bad”. I mean heck even in this…
I honestly have to imagine they just had server maintence scheduled this week and decided to use it this way. Like they only did it for GTA5, not RDR2
I figure it you were gonna prove hes a troll you would post something he said that wasn’t true.
People have been saying it for seven years. “Just say ‘Too’” If you say Too there isn’t any room to misunderstand anything.
Wish I wasn’t such a cynical person that I didn’t notice that it seemed more like this is a trend of one company doing it and so other companies are doing it to virtue signal. Course the group they are doing that too probably also suuuper don’t agree with it and the signal will do them little good.
“When was the last time a white person, pulled over for a routine traffic stop felt that this was the night they might die” I mean about 10% of Cop murder is unarmed white people so I’m gonna guess a lot of people are scared of that pretty much every day.
Oddly Shirleys twitter seems to she doesn’t agree with these takesaways at all.
“Sure, some on-loookers have taken issue with SonicFox being in Skullgirls now because, let’s be honest, they don’t like how proud SonicFox is of being non-binary, or gay, or black, or a furry.” And here I thought it was just because they were kind of a douche. Great for Sev tho.
Agreed. Super misleading title that could end up turning people off trying the game because they think it will be a pain in the ass. It’s pretty irresponsible but “I tried to take advantage of an event not designed for me and it was hard to circumvent that” isn’t as catchy a title.
Devs really gotta learn you don’t put this stuff on PTR until you want it tested. You gotta use dummy files, dummy.
I can’t wait for the president to start using this, preventing anyone from correcting his bullshit in the comments. It’s a great feature for anyone who want’s to say something without any sort of pushback in the feed. Conspiracy theorists and hate mongers will use it to great effect. Thank you twitter, for making…
The way I remember that last incident is the devs said there wasn’t /much/ of a difference but the community numbers painted a different picture and it came down to how one defines a “significant” performance drop.
“That said, it’s often hard to distinguish between legitimate concerns with Tencent and racist or anti-Communist sentiments among right-leaning players.”
no no the better question is “why does she they are cis white males voices when shes arguing with text chat?”
Saying that her self (and twitch) described ‘vehement opposition to voice chat’ is a “relatively milquetoast take” is pretty damn dishonest. Nevermind her telling people with dyslexia to shut the fuck up and putting herself and her needs over those who can’t easily use text chat in games. She’s made it clear shes…