I never understood the whole 40 years thing. Like did he just go around in circles?
I never understood the whole 40 years thing. Like did he just go around in circles?
I kinda wanna see if there is still a copy of the ff7 n64 tech demo or not.
Or maybe more famously, P.T. Gone except on hardware that already has it installed.
“anyone using it to design and build Wii retro consoles or emulators of their own would likely soon find themselves a target of Nintendo’s legal department.”
Uncertain. I never really got the hype behind the original but at the same time If I had loved the original I think the contents of the leak would have made me rethink my decisions to buy the original.
Yeah I think 23 years is well past the cut off date for being kept from spoilers.
I feel like if it was shtick they would know better than to do this. Given how crummy and frankly how stupid Doc is usually, I don’t think this part of the act. I think he actually believes this shit and would be one of those dumb ass protestors if they were any more motivated.
So important distinction. Is this “Souls like”in a Demon/Dark/Bloodborne kinda way or “Souls like” in a Sekiro kinda way. Because I’m down for the former but if its the latter I’ll see myself out.
I don’t personally care if this AC or all AC from now have a female choice or only female protag.
I approve of this list.
Sadly much like the actual game, a lot of the charm wears off once you get to Xen at which point things just kinda go downhill.
Love how it looks but It almost looks too good to take out of the box.
It kinda felt like they weren’t sure there were going to be any more of this after the first one so they made some wild plot changes to justify putting Seph and Jenova into the game to be fought. Like it’s not even called Part 1 or anything despite obviously being intended to be a multipart retelling.
I was indifferent on the change. The old one was cringe in one way, the new one is cringe in a different way.
You couldn’t work for a company that wanted certain sites to not act as a political blog but you could work for a company that testified under oath in court that they would violate a persons right to privacy and publish any sex tape of someone they considered newsworthy.
How very classist of you. I would say blue collar workers communicate far better than people who have to live in fear watching their every word around people who are all thinking the same things internally but are forever too frightened to say them externally.
“I don’t want to play Final Fantasy VII again with prettier graphics—I want something completely new”
Then why in gods name did you play a game called FF7 REMAKE. I mean the title.. pretty much makes the buyer assume they are getting a remake of the game not some Kingdom hearts infested reboot/reimagingin.
Retail. Needless to say when people are within customers ear shot everyone acts differently but back in the back? Even if one of the employees wasn’t always blasting n-word laiden music on their phone while on break I’d still hear it from the black/hispanic/asian/indian staff plenty. Lot of them are younger folk and…
Mixed heritage dude refers to a white dude by the N-word. Yep this checks out. As much as it’s supposed to be a word that only black people can use I’ve noticed at my work that pretty much anyone who isn’t 100% white casually uses it to refer to anyone else with impunity.
Photomode could be awesome so long as it’s not as restricted as some games. I never get a game that has a photo mode but even the free cam is restrained to 10 feet from the character. Lemme get some nice scenic pictures!