
Woman in front reclines and physically hurts taller male behind her who cannot get the legroom his knees need, man gets angry about it and expresses his displeasure.

That’s a pretty good point actually. Beast races in games tend to get shafted even if they were there from the beginning just due to the amount of effort it takes to re-fit gear to them or the cost of making an entirely new model just for one race.

I’d imagine its because the outfits are 3d models and 3d models either need a male and female model or to have been built with the tech to properly refit it to a different body type. It’s not always as easy as just smooshing the breast area inwards for males or vice versa.

It’s a neat feature although like a lot of steam labs it needs a few more features to be useful. Much like how the interactive finder needs a button to dismiss games from the list, this needs a button to say “nah not feeling this option right now” and recalculate based off that. Right now im not just getting games

nah you wont catch heat. like 98% of the comments are roasting the article for being completely wrong and libelous

You are unambiguosly misquoting what was said to make it seem like something it wasn’t.

oh yeah. that they just tagged it with “updated” is woefully insufficent and only makes it seem even more like they just want the clicks. The article update makes it sound like its a baseless accusation on the publicist part

publicist was right. This is a bad take requires you to want there to be something. That or to somehow manage to deaf to what was actually said and blind to the social context it was being said in.

Basically Rep is right. You have to want to hear it and ignore not just the context of what was said, but the actual words that were said. It’s a non-story that is either indicative of poor hearing or malicious desires to generate clicks

Yeah that’s clearly what was meant by it and to try and make this a sexual thing requires you to ignore what was actually said and the context.

Ah Katt. Wonder if you could get away with that now adays. Mia in .hack did but that was like 17 years ago.

I know that feeling. I remember on multiple occasions getting nostalgic for a good ol grindy jrpg and when I actually play them just.. not really having the patience for it.

You don’t think its possible for people on the left to want to control public opinion and censor thoughts and ideas that they don’t like?

I don’t know how Bioware has managed to still exist after how poorly Andromeda and Anthem have been recieved. I’m not even sure if there is a point in trying to fix anthem other than sheer desperation.

Wonder how long it will be up.

What genius thought it was a good idea to make reforged replace the original version if you had it? Like not even just who thought of that idea, how did that idea survive the many people it should have gone through that should have stopped it.


Knew that there were gonna be complaints about it when I saw the name. But people pretty much have a problem with any game that is “You are outsider going into new uncharted land with weapons” so the complaints were gonna come anyways.

ooh that’s a good call. I played the hell out of Paris just getting every challange and then even more just because it was a really great level to play. That and Wilson Creek in Hitman 2. Such a great small map.

I remember finding out about J years after having played the hell out of Doom and its ports and e1m1 remakes on various other engines. Blew my mind that there was a part of the map I’d never known about.