I lucked out and never had problems with it. I credit my hexacore cpu giving me an edge over the quad cores at the time.
I lucked out and never had problems with it. I credit my hexacore cpu giving me an edge over the quad cores at the time.
I think its mostly how they wrote it. If it was a generic “The racist views of the author are known and we do not support that message” or something akin to the disclaimers in front of old cartoons with racist imagery.. people probably woulda shrugged it off. But people got touchy about it because it comes off as…
I mean thing it is that it rings hollow to me because if they didn’t want their money they wouldn’t be making the game. Like its not hard to create a cosmic horror game that doesn’t use racist and anti-semetic works. Clearly they want the money of the people who didn’t mind all that.
“I say it’s nice because across comics, board and video games, I don’t remember ever seeing this before, despite it being one of the great unspoken facts behind so much of Lovecraft’s inspiration and writing.”
Yes. Yes it would kill her. Everything she does is in service of herself and she’s got such a warped sense of the world that she won the popular vote by almost 3 million voters and then still blamed her loss on America being sexist, not the way the electoral college worked in conjunction with her terrible campaigning.
A pity but I’m surprised it took this long. Probably means we will just see the character axed as in an industry where its standard for people to voice multiple roles, hiring some indian dude to do just 1 isn’t very sensible.
We’ve really never considered PC as a platform when comes to exclusives tho?
The technical aspect behind stuff like this is fascinating but I would be lying if I said I actually cared about any records set like this. At the point you are editing ram, if it’s via native inputs, you are hacking the game. It goes way beyond glitching through some wall due to physics or looking at the floor while…
I mean I never even watched Thundercats but I can still tell that 2020 animation is a crime against SOMEONE. Be it the artists that have to animate that hot mess or the people who grew it up loving the property, that garbage should have never been approved for a budget.
This. There is a reason for a very long time you would find people remaking E1m1 in any FPS that allowed for user maps. Recreating something in a different engine and figuring out how to do all the fiddly stuff is a great way to learn that engine. wont teach you everything but its a great start and gives you an…
Yeah sounds like the ps4 version didn’t port well. I played it on PC myself and it was a masterpiece
Inteleon is well on their way to snagging that coveted 100% detective winrate.
People tend to be dismissive of things that aren’t really worth being invested in. This is an article about Korean women being upset that an already sexualized japanese, repackaged as Korean, girl has been sexualized further. Or not as far depending on how you view school girl outfits verses skin tight latex in terms…
I’m not sure what your point is. I’ve seen porn of all of them. Even the ones below this post. You think there aren’t people who wanna get with Winston? Prolly first non hot overwatch character was Hamtaro and I bet even then you got people who wanna get it with his mech.
I mean.. They aren’t wrong tho. Yeah there are a couple lower level employees clapping back against such ideas but it’s easy to make the claims its quick and easy when you aren’t paying the bills or doing all the work.
Witcher 1 is honestly just not a very good game and wasn’t at the time it came out even. It had an interesting setting and lore which is why I think it did well in spite of being a bad game, but yeah.. it doesn’t really have anything to do with the age of the thing.
Article spend most it’s time suggesting that if men find out that you’re a women they will push you out. Some of the replies I’ve gotten in my inbox echo this sentiment. MY experience has been they do the exact opposite and make more effort to make my time enjoyable than they they do guys.
“Are you playing online and play rather well? Doesn’t matter, once the other players realize you are a female, you are the worst thing that has ever happened in their lives.”
I mean it makes sense. I never did the DLC and after watching Witcher I was like “yeah you know that might be worth playing”
I never get the love for Ni No Kuni. It had a pleasing art style but it was just really really tedious to play.