
Bully hunters and their stream got figured out as being fake before it even went live. All their sponsors have bailed at this point havn’t they? And one of the key figures basically is a foul mouthed twitter troll. Feels more like a scam than anything.

I had to do a double take. Usually I see reviews crying out for easier difficulty settings.

I try and play games like this as well but often times I find there are too many tiny little things crammed into an area to do it and not risk feeling like the game is getting repetitive. But its like.. For example. Horizon Zero Dawn. Great game, loved the story and the setting. But my favorite parts of it? The

Way to bury the lead. So it’s not that rockstar is paying them less, which as you acknowledge would be illegal, it’s that they are not being promoted into the higher better paying ranks of the company. Which is a completely different problem with a completely different set of reactions and solutions.

Any word you hear others use enough becomes part of your dictionary. There are a lot of criticisms to level here but I don’t feel like that’s one of them when the word is inescapable online.

You sound like you are a one dose of white face paint away from explaining how you are simply “ahead of the curve” to some crazy rich guy in a bat suit.

While I would never advocate eugenics I will note that judging by your logic and responses I feel like humanity would get a bigger net gain having lost you from the gene pool rather than the 9 year old.

I’m hoping it’s not to many. 5e is great and all but its a vastly different type of system than the type that draws pathfinder in. PF is all about big numbers, options, and magical items out the ass. 5e was about smaller numbers, less options to be less daunting, and a very weak magic item game.

You really do like trying to earn all those imaginary internet points for being fake woke don’t you?

I suppose it comes down to a question of if we take currently poltics or a persons crimes/nasty past into account when giving out awards that are presumably about merit.

Apparently historical accuracy isn’t important when responding to people either given that has nothing to do with anything I actually said.

I mean you can say fuck it to the reasoning, but it’s been pretty well established that there wouldn’t have been black people in this part of Bohemia at this time. I cannot comment on the make of the man behind this game, but his ‘excuse’ is rock solid.

Steam version modders are going to mod in shit we didn’t even know we wanted. Like Tera female armors for Ignis

nah. Gotta get it running on one of those super old nipkow disc sets.

Getting super tired of crowdfunded games going on this cycle of failure due to feature creep.

I would LOVE a Dark souls 2d side scroller.

So, surprising nobody, listening to a twitter mob of people who weren’t even there at the time wasn’t a good idea.

When the title talked about provocative streamers I assumed it was going to be about the sexually provocative ones, not the unmoderated septic pit ones. huh

In before someone notices something else fishy about the video that this guy didn’t add , checks the source, finds out the speedrunner who donated the video actually cheated and they get knocked off the leaderboards.

Really? I thought Nosgoth was dead by now.