
My only issue with this, and i may be reading it wrong, is that the emote seems to be something that the Val player had to buy and put into use. So removing it on grounds of insensitivity seems.. odd? The people who wanted it were empowered to have it and those who didn’t were not made to suffer whatever imagined

DA:I and Assassins Creed: Syndicate both had Trans characters that they did wonderfully.

Mass Effect:Andromeda and The Dragonspear addon for Baldurs Gate
did their’s so badly It seemed like they want to check off a box.

It’s amazing how this super old, super ugly by todays standards RPG seems to be better supported and more successful than it’s sequel.

I really don’t remember WoW doing this kinda thing. Except for the Cata revamp which still had the content within the 60 range.

Bungie, pissing off fans a new way every week!

I’m surprised at the inclusion of Firebrand in there. I don’t really follow fighting games but not a character I would think Capcom would even remember they have let alone feature.

Too many people have been raised and taught that privilege is something you earn through hard work, obedience, or loyalty. I’ve never been a fan of using it for exactly that reason. It is a word that plays into the idea of entitlement, not one that properly expresses what the issue is.

Oh you poor poor thing.

I mean.. of course they were going to use japanese actors?

I love Gay Prides I just wish they would keep the dildo wielding fetish wear lions and the cubs a little further apart.

Sadly HR almost always exists solely to protect the company. Unless they think the problem with harm the company, HR is going to try and kill the claim.

On the contrary. I think non e-sports athletes should take up handles. Why should Esports and the WWE have all the fun.

Yeah. I get why people wanted Mesh. I feel like the platform might have been better off stopping at sculpts however. They were useful but they were also limited.

I used to love creating stuff for Second Life, sadly the mesh update left me in the dust. Suddenly competing with people who could bring the full potential of 3dsmax or maya to the platform drained my interest in it.

Maybe I’m just seeing problems where there are not. But that rendition of King Dice doesn’t seem to be without it’s issues as well. The unreal sized grin and large eyes/nose reminds me very much of a certain sports logo thats come under fire for many years now. Even has the same pac man shaped eyes.

Nah honestly that stuff gave me a small bit of hope in the beginning simply because I thought they might have made SatAM the game.

There was a time in paypal history that it was officially against the TOS to use their service to receive payment for pornographic materials. It didn’t stop people, but there were reports of paypal freezing peoples accounts if they were reported to them. I /think/ they stopped making that part of their TOS some time

Hrm. I had been told it was still ‘a thing’. There was news just this year about Germany still having known neo-nazi political parties with members allowed to run for office.

From what I’ve heard, the law has done little to actually de-nazify Germany. I guess it’s not really worth it to change the laws despite that.

Eh. BL1 was great. BL2 was okay. Pre Sequal.. didn’t have much in the term of legs. Unless BL3 is going to be written by Telltale I’m not that interested. Tales from the borderlands was awesome, the actual games have turned into meh