
The Pre-sequal had the shift key golden loot chest thing in the main hub town. Getting Shift keys was free via scanning QR codes or geting them in emails but they basically already have half the system established in the engine.

So what we’ve learned is Evilore is still a trashy human being.

broken clocks and all that.

“That being said, I always felt that the moderation team was too hard and biased. They would come down hard on someone with a different opinion, to the point were it felt heavily censored.”

4chan with more self-righteousness describes a lot of the really nasty places on the internet that constantly get a pass because they play at being progressive.

It’s that one of GG’s little propaganda pics from before IMC changed their tune? I mean that doesn’t change anything that’s listed. I suppose there is a bit of fun pointing out the hypocrisy of them supporting him now when they used to jab at people supporting him back then.

I feel like there is an ‘again’ missing from this line “imploding in the wake of an accusation of sexual misconduct”.

I.. can’t even comprehend how this blew up like this. And people actually think women are so fragile that someone /possibly/ but not really waving their hand “goodbye” tauntingly will stop them from playing? Geeeeze

It’s ridiculously easy. Id label the combat simplistic even. Stuff just has a lot of HP at times.

That is one WTF take from Stewart

EQ2 had such a nice and satisfying housing system. The original ones were super customizable too, although that got dropped in future houses. Still Sony were good enough to go back and update the size of older apartments when the newer ones kept getting bigger and bigger.

If you can get chests with the currency dropped by the enemies you fight, then I imagine its going to be very easy for those concerned about buying loot chests to simply give themselves a huge amount of wealth and buy those chests in mass.

It’s smart the first time someone figures it out. When people fight over who can do it the fastest it’s kinda meh. Watching someone shave a half second off of placing some turtle shells just right so they can make the game freak out to the last cutscene is like.. ‘woo’.

I feel like its a valid kind of speed running to prefer, but certainly not the only kind. Using glitches is valid, and there is a reason that the records for those runs are separate from glitchless runs.

Rick And Morty fans have slowly gained a reputation as some of the worst people on the internet”

Nah, that’s Steven Universe fans. They drove a young teen to try and commit suicide because she drew Rose ‘wrong’ and then went on a witch hunt to try and find out which artist drew a black stereotype gem only to find out


I thought Moot sold 4chan off years ago. Like right after the Gamer Gate thing.

Now playing

I dunno if that’s accurate. There’s been a couple copyright lawyers who have chimed in on it saying that Campo Stano doesn’t actually have a claim here. Campo Santo gave blanket permission to stream and monatize their game and didn’t provide a clause to revoke said permission. They even admitted they were going to

I got the impression the adpocolypse was more because of ads being placed on stuff like beheading videos and the like.

Maybe, but given social blade puts his daily earnings at a couple grand a day minimum, a couple dozen grand on a good day.. Don’t think hes going to go looking for new employment so long as hes getting paid.