Well those are some pretty hefty accusations. I know he got a lot of shit over his comments about the kid who got in trouble for bringing a dissembled clock to school. I know he ultimately ended up being right about it too..
Well those are some pretty hefty accusations. I know he got a lot of shit over his comments about the kid who got in trouble for bringing a dissembled clock to school. I know he ultimately ended up being right about it too..
The apathy is real. I know Wikileaks was making a big stir over some stuff the CIA had been up too but the general feeling around the forum I go to was “The CIA is doing CIA stuff! The shock!” and went back to flailing over whatever stupid new thing politicians had said that day.
So you can’t do it for real world money but you can still do it for in game money.. which you can turn into Bnet credit. I suppose that still keeps the cash in the economy and lowers the value of it but still.
Unit is effective until around the 21st century when it starts being more concerned with sensationalized tabloid style headlines due to becoming slave to a 24/7 news cycle that cares more about eyeball real estate than quality content.
Ugh. I know why they did this. It’s because some consoles have ended up being cracked by feeding specific games corrupted or manipulated save data. Heck I think that was how the original Wii ended up getting broken.
Her abilities feel a little bit to much like “Discount version of other heroes powers grab bag” for me. Nothing seems distinctly /hers/ which ultimately detracts from the character and makes her seem less than any one of the others. Ana is unique. Sombra is unique. Orisa has a little bit of Bastion, little bit of…
It’s not hard. If a Nazi is actively causing or threatening physical violence against you, then you can do the same. If they are just kinda.. there, and using words and talking? Then no, punching them isn’t an approrpate response.
The whole joke was not “death to all Jews” but “death to all jews- subscribe to Keemstar” I feel like that bit of context gets lost considering it was supposed to be a slam against Keemstar and his racism more than it was supposed to be an edgy joke about killing every jewish person on the planet.
Of course Keemstar would ultimately profit from the drama a joke made about him produced. Of course.
“Mr. Kjellberg didn’t address some of the other videos highlighted by the Journal, including one that has since been taken down, in which he showed a man dressed as Jesus Christ saying, “Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.””
I feel like it’s very hard to watch the videos they cited and come across with the notion Felix was endorsing the Nazi party in any of them. His jokes were badly made this is true but it’s also true that in the fiver one, the worst of them all TBH, hes viably shocked that they actually did it. I don’t see any…
I feel like the comment about not caring if they were a pedophile probably warrants altering the title from “harassing” to “sexually harassing”
Promptos VA wasn’t bad. Prompto was bad. So bad. God I hate Prompto
It’s kinda sad. All I can see is “not shepard, not wrex, not garrius, not liara and not ashley/not Kaiden” when i look at the lineup. Feels wierd and wrong even if its perfectly normal for a series to have totally different characters from prior games. ME1-3 were too iconic for me to find myself accepting of the new…
This. It is very easy to slip up and in the occurrence in question it doesn’t even seem to be that, he simply stated the name of the maneuver and commented on how their name had changed. It’s not disrespectful and in fact informative. Just because she transitioned and changed her name does not re-write the history of…
Consistancy in rules is not a childish stupid thought. It’s something every person who makes rules should set out to accomplish. I mean to apply it to a larger scale its a cornerstone of any civilized socity and when the populous realizes the rules are not being appied evenly and consistantly that’s when we see…
The problem is the assumption that there is a single opinion of the audience. SOME People in the audience aren’t going to want to see Bernie stuff. SOME aren’t going to want to see Trump. SOME don’t care. SOME don’t want to see anything... when you got 4-5 opinions per subject from a large and diverse audience there…
Always so conflicted about AGDQ. Good fun to watch, good charity, run by complete asshats.
So do we know that shes 100% a lesbian or is she just currently in a same sex relationship. Because I see a lot of people going around celebrating how shes a lesbian and im just sitting her in Bi town thinking “You know, your going to be really unjustifiably made if it ever turns out she had boyfriends in the past”
Don’t forget, they made her someone not on the team too. Which may not seem like a lot but it comes off as more natural and also doesn’t feel all the kinda gross tumblresq lesbian fetish stuff trying to force Tracer and Widowmaker into being lesbian lovers despite all sense and reasons.