
The day the phsyics of how armor would actually work is something that matters in a JRPG is the day something has seriously gone wrong.

I like fan service for the most part. It can get out of hand sometimes but usually its over soon enough that even when it crosses a personal line I don’t feel like I’ve got much to complain about.

I found her to be a wonderful subversion of the trope in that she is completely presented as one thing and then the reasons for every bit of it is explained and made reasonable and that for all the absurdity shes probably one of the stronger characters in the game. Everything from her presentation, animations, and

So in other words the classic internet concession of an argument by pretending pointing out a mistake with grammar or spelling actually matters. 

Your comparing not even medieval fantasy, but a very specific type of barbarian fantasy to post apocalyptic science fiction, two entirely different genres as an explanation as to why one doesn’t need to be the way it is and then trying to argue objectified women in one setting aren’t the same as objectified women in

The wives were definitely objects to advance the story. Doesn’t really matter whos story it was.

I mean if you really really try your hardest to try and find something offensive in it.... oh wait its the internet. Of course someone did.

You just compared apples to oranges and then completely forgot that Fury Road’s world had plenty of rape and degredation of women. That’s not a great basis for a retort

Make Conan less Conan? At that part your not really.. making a Conan game. I get that she takes issues with some of the various things that make up the whole Conan world and aesthetic but it’s kind of also like complaining that Death Metal is too loud. It’s kind of part of the package and if you take it away from the

Nothing really. Mechanically diversity adds nothing of course and not having it doesn’t really bar anyone from playing. Its a sad sack of a person who doesnt play a game because it doesn’t have someone that is like them in it.

Calling it a controversy seems a bit much. Id have to agree that the RPS piece was a bad bit of journalism and simply dredging for something to stir people up about.

So in other words shes going to be a nazi.

I mean I would rather be educated on social justic issues rather than proudly declare im not but to each their own.

This thing looks really clunky and inelegant.

I assume Kill La Kill would fall into this catagory. Amazing anime, fan service everywhere.

Well your free to your opinion I guess. It doesn’t look like anything I would watch but I can’t muster up any amount of anger about this existing either.

The biggest news about all this is that now Thrall can finally die. Without Metzen around to protect his precious green jesus we’ve already seen Thrall grow impotent. Now he can finally die. And we can rejoice the death of the kill stealing credit taking Marty Stu

It’s a good read but honestly even if you don’t like it Duke treating women as objects was still in line with how D3d Duke treated them. They were there to be something in peril. To be ogled or joked about. An intro with him getting blow jobs from twins and saying a line about what happens to them later on is pretty

There are a ton of good/bad SoE stories. Like in 2004 there was the SWG server that was holding a protest over unjust bans that saw some of the protestors getting sent into space and eventually the server shut down.

I feel like there has to be some sort of way they could work it to allow these fan creations and not have to take them down if they wanted to. A form to fill out. Some sort of acknowledgement that it is Nintendo’s IP and that the work is not proof of abandonment of the IP by Nintendo.