Honestly my problem with the changes to Saf and Jah is that the implication that they were one not or that Jaheria was a “nagging housewife” seem like they come from someone who never played the original game very much.
Honestly my problem with the changes to Saf and Jah is that the implication that they were one not or that Jaheria was a “nagging housewife” seem like they come from someone who never played the original game very much.
He. The op was a father. As for this pose? If that dude hated the old one then I think hes going to hate this one too. It went from generic over the shoulder pose to the dreaded “tits and ass in the same shot” pose that comic books get shit about, along with one giant leg show.
I’ve got glasses and even the Google cardboard doesnt work for me without them. For people who just need a little bit of correction it might work. But if your one of those people like me where the world is a blurry mess without glasses then your still SOL when it comes to VR
If only they had released the games simultaniously instead of arbitrarily delaying the western version there would be no problem. Funny that.
This is not the understanding I gathered from reading her thesis or tweets. She made it clear she wanted possession decriminalized, she thought the age of consent should be lowered, believed that children had sexual agency, wanted laxer laws on the porno industry, among many other statements that make it clear to me…
She literally said that it shouldn’t be a crime. Thats about as crystal clear as one can get on the issue
You do realize that those tweets actually have URLs on them that link to the archived backups right?
Wu as well. Wu is a huuuuuuge fisher for this stuff. Even one of her former employess said she spent more time trolling the internet for mentions more than she did work.
I would be surprised. I’m pretty sure having an anti sex trafficing group calling for your termination is going to be the thing you get fired for more than stealing pens from the office.
We all saw how well that worked out for the catholic church.
Oh it was certain they would. A pro child porn employee working at a company that takes great pains to appear family friendly? She was never going to keep her job once that came to light.
GG hates censorship. But they’ve always been pretty clear on hating legitimate child pornography. Given they spawned mostly from 4chan which is heaaaaaavily anti CP this is pretty consistant behavior on their part and not the first time they’ve gone after people who are for the ownership and distribution of what is…
eh remove the claimed part and its not a bad summary. She made it pretty clear she thought it was a-okay to have child porn in one possession.
Yep. thats the logical conclusion to draw here.
Yep. thats the logical conclusion to draw here.
TBF the thing that probably got her fired is that the tweets were brought to the attention of the wayne foundation, as mentioned in the article, and their main concern would have been about the anti child pornography and not about the censorship.
She literally did a thesis on why the international community needed to stop trying to pressure japan into creating stricter anti-child pornography laws. In the thesis she states that criminalizing the possession of child pornography is tantamount to criminalizing thought and that it was somthing that the US and Japan…
Nintendo has a history of trying to protect children over trying to do what the majority of their customers want. They have a history of trying very hard to keep a family friendly company image, even if it means ridiculous censorship or removing features from their products because of a false worry it might be used to…
Personally I’ve seen my share of racist, pro-nazi, feminists as well.
I mean it was like a handful of people for removing it and a couple dozen against but yes the reaction you should take is removing on behalf of the “think of the children” types